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Edward's POV

I'm awakened by Harry jumping on top of me and giggling. I groan at his hyperness as I try to push him off. He loses balance as I kick him from under the sheets of my bed and he falls onto the floor. I laugh but look over the side of my bed to make sure he is okay. He is still laughing so I'm assuming he's alright.

Next thing I know, a grumpy looking Marcel makes his way into my room with messy hair, sideways glasses, and only light blue pajama pants on. He barely glances at Harry giggling on the floor and flops onto the bed.

"Aw, is Marcy sleepy?" I say in a baby voice. He glares at me and goes under the covers. Harry finally manages to stand up and he jumps right on Marcel this time. Marcel grunts under the blankets and Harry is giggling more now.

I get on top of Harry so we're crushing Marcel. 

Marcel peeks his head up from under the covers and grumbles, "You idiots better get off soon or we're going to be late to school!" He rolled his eyes at the end and pushed up once more before I got off Harry and yanked him off of Marcel.

Mum comes in and dramatically sighs at the scene in front of her. "You boys have 15 minutes to get ready. So hurry up!"

I push my brothers out of my room after Mum leaves. I walk over to my dresser and grab a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans.

Once I'm dressed I look in the mirror at my beautiful curly locks. I love having long hair so much! This hair is everything I need in life! I love every hair on my head.

I grab my favorite jacket and head downstairs to the kitchen. Mum is drinking tea at the table and watching the news. I sit next to her and start eating an apple. We watch as a reporter is talking about the destruction of the last villain attack in London. 

We moved to London only a couple days ago because there is a special school here that specializes in super-powered teens. Our dad is a superhero, which is where we got the power gene. He is off somewhere in North America I think.

As I finish my apple, I hear someone walking down the stairs. I look towards the person and see Marcel in his usual attire and slicked back hair. He sits down on the other side of Mum and pulls out a book from his backpack. I roll my eyes and look back to the TV.

I hear Harry from upstairs shout," Eddy! Eddy, come here! I need help!" I quickly get up and jog up the stairs.

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