Chapter 47

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"We're takin' that chance. Y'all're worth it." Boomer says firmly.

James and Ashley sigh in relief. They had forgotten Boomer was sitting back there! Then Jeff turns back towards them, nodding.

"I'll have a shift set up of a couple deputies that'll stay inside the house with you, just in case those men drop by."

"Add me to that thar list." Boomer speaks up. "I can have ol' Wallace mind the store fer me."

"Then it's settled." Danny says adamantly. "You're staying with us till this whole mess is cleaned up."

Jeff stands up. "Well, I'm gonna head down to the station and fill out a report with what y'all just told me." He says as he walks over to the door and puts on a white cowboy hat. "Call me if you need me." He says as he places black aviator sunglasses on his face.

James and Ashley stare at him. He looks like the picture perfect small town sheriff; tan uniform, dusty brown cowboy boots, white cowboy hat, black sunglasses underneath the brim of the hat. Put him on a horse and he'd fit in in the 1800s, put him in a fast police car and he'd fit in any current country town. Just what you'd imagine a sheriff to look like. He turns and walks out the door, shutting it behind him.

"Well, let me show you around the house!" Danny says excitedly. "I'll show you my room too, we can all sleep in there. Oh, make yourself at home as usual, Boomer." He says as he throws a glance in the big man's direction.

James and Ashley get up and follow Danny, as Boomer walks into the kitchen to find something to eat. Danny leads them up the stairs, describing each room they pass. At the end of the hallway, he turns left and walks into a room.

"This is my bedroom." Danny says with a smile. "Make yourselves at home, I've gotta run out to Dad's office. I'll be back soon."

James and Ashley nod and watch Danny walk out of the room, and they sit on the bed with their backs against the wall. James smirks.

"You didn't tell me Danny's name was Danny Denton." He says teasingly. "That's pretty funny." He adds as he laughs. Then he gets a sly look on his face. "I'm glad he is your cousin, and not something more. Cause Ashley Denton sounds funny." He says with a chuckle.

Ashley bursts out laughing. "You're right." She says between laughs. "It does sound weird." She giggles. Then her mind wanders. Ashley Browning sounds much better... She thinks in her head. She blushes at the thought.

James bumps Ashley with his shoulder. "Oh does it now?" He says with a smile.

Ashley turns bright red. Did I really just say that out loud? She thinks.

"Yeah, you did." James smirks.

"Ugh why do I keep saying what I'm thinking?" Ashley bursts out, blushing extremely hard. "It's very embarrassing!"

"Nah, not really." James says with a gleam in his eye. Then he slowly leans over close to Ashley, almost completely leaning on her, his breath warm on her neck, and then......

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