Chapter 41

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Ashley and James walk down the stairs together, smiling, holding hands with each other. They are so glad that all the coldness and rudeness is gone. Everything is back to normal...well, sort of. Now they know that the other really loves them. That makes each of them feel so much better.

"Let's grab our plates and go back to our room." Ashley says, smiling at James.

"Okay!" James says with a grin as he nods his head.

James and Ashley see platters heaped full of food and they reach forward and take plates, then fill them up with scrambled eggs, bacon, small pancakes and syrup. Then they go back upstairs and eat their breakfast in silence. They hear a car door slam, and then someone opens the front door.

"Hello!" They hear Tina say. "Come on in! How may I help you? Do you need a room?"

"No, we're actually here for some information." A gruff voice says. "Got a few questions for you."

James and Ashley lean closer to the door. Where have they heard that voice before?

"We're looking for a couple of kids." Another voice chimes in. "James Browning and Ashley Jackson." He says quickly.

James and Ashley gasp. Then at what they hear next, their eyes get huge.

"They've lately been going by names of Jacob and Asher." The first voice adds.

James and Ashley stare at each other wide eyed. The men are here. How do they know about their made up names?!? How do they.......then they heard Tina about to reply, so they immediately push all questions aside and focus on the conversation below.

"Hmm." Tina says slowly. "I might be able to help you with that. why don't you come in and have some coffee?"

Ashley quickly looks at James. They have to find a way to get away! She glances over at the window, then glances at James, and sees his eyes do the same before they settle on staring at hers. She knows what James is thinking, without even saying a word.

"Thank you for the coffee. So about those kids we were asking about..." The second voice says abruptly.

"Oh yes. Jacob and Asher." Tina replies talkatively. "Yes, they came here. Came here last night."

James' eyes widen in horror. He quietly creeps over to the window, and glances out. They are on the second story. It'll be a hard fall. Ashley walks over beside him and looks down. Then she looks up at James in horror as Tina continues.

"In fact, they're still up in their room right now!" She says cheerfully. "You want to go talk to them?"

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