Chapter 6

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What James saw blew his mind. There it was, the waterfall. Just like Ashley had described, only better. Pouring down the rocks, sunlight glinting off of it and making the water look dazzling. The leaves were starting to change around the falls, and it was breathtaking. James thinks back to the day before, when he had scoffed at Ashley's use of words as being too girly. She could use whatever words she wanted to describe this place. It actually is... beautiful.

After a long time of staring and drinking up all the beauty, Ashley looks over at James and grins. He had the most dumbfounded look she'd ever seen on him. She let out a giggle. James quickly looks at her inquisitively.

"Why are you giggling?" He asks.

"The way you look." Ashley says with a smile. "You are so...captivated. I think you like this place."

"Uhh yes I like it!" James replies. Then he bit his lip, and seemed to be thinking about something. And after a second, he took a chance. "I also love that the person that I'm sharing it with is you." He smiles. "You know you're like my best friend."

Ashley didn't say anything, she just stood there. James' mind races. Should he not have said it? Did he say something wrong? What's she thinking? His heart is pounding. What if she doesn't feel the same? Would she please say something already!?!

Meanwhile Ashley's mind is racing too. Oh my goodness I'm like his best friend! He's mine for sure, should I tell him? How should I react? What should I do? Her pulse was racing. WHAT should I do?

Suddenly Ashley takes a step forward and hugs James. Just completely hugs him. She wraps her arms around him, and squeezes him tight, and then she looks up at him with a huge smile on her face and says:

"You're my best friend too, James."

James sighs and his heartbeat slows out of relief. Then he remembers Ashley is hugging him and his heartbeat speeds right back up. He pulls her in closer and bends his head down till it's resting on the top of her head and closes his eyes. Her hair smells nice, clean, like the morning dew.

Ashley feels him pull her closer and turns her head and now it's up against James' chest and she feels his head rest on hers. She feels warm, calm, protected, safe. She snuggles even closer and for the first time in a long time, probably since her parents died, she feels loved. Completely, fully, deeply loved.

They stand there for a while, bodies pressed up against each other, arms wrapped tight around each other. Standing in front of a picture perfect scene, waterfall rushing down the mountainside and the leaves changing colors around them. They feel like they're almost on top of the world. It seems almost perfect.

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