Chapter 46

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"Wow." Jeff says, his eyes wide. "That's quite a story." He stands up, and in two steps crosses the living room and wraps Ashley in a hug. "I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this. Both of you."

Jeff turns and wraps his other arm around James. "Don't think you don't get a hug too, mister." He says with a smirk.

James chuckles and wraps his arms around Jeff. He suddenly felt secure, safe. He'd only known Jeff for half an hour, but he already seemed like he wasn't just Ashley's uncle, but his too. He It wasn't just him and Ashley anymore. They had other family. A smile spreads across James' face.

Jeff stands up and turns around to face them. "Do you know what the two men look like? Do you think you could describe them to me?"

James and Ashley simultaneously nod. James looks over at Ashley and softly wipes the tears that had formed at the corner of her eyes while they were telling the story to Jeff. Ashley forces out a smile and mouths 'thank you'.

"One of the men was black, the other was white." James starts.

As soon as James starts, both him and Ashley start pouring out descriptions of the men.

"...They were both tall, about 6 feet..."

"...One was heavy, the other was skinny..."

"...They both had deep voices..."

"...They're wearing black jackets and denim jeans..."

"...They both wear baseball caps..."

"...And sunglasses, don't forget about the sunglasses..."

"...They talk polite, but turn mean at a moments notice..."

"...And they're mean looking." Ashley finishes.

Jeff and Danny stop furiously writing down everything on paper, and they all, including James, turn and look at Ashley.

"What?" Ashley says defensively. "There's a definite look about a person that defines them as 'mean'." She says with a giggle.

James wraps his arm around her and smiles. "Whatever you say, Ash."

Then Danny's face lights up. He jumps up and whispers something into his dad's ear. Jeff nods and turns his head back to the kids.

"Danny just had an idea, and I think it's the best thing to do." He said as his eyes lit up. "You two are gonna stay with us until this whole thing is over."

"But..." Ashley starts. "Think of what happened to James' mom and dad!" She says sadly. "You can't take that chance on us."

Suddenly a voice speaks up from behind the sheriff and Danny.

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