Chapter 5

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"And then we came back here. Cause no way was Ashley going back to her Aunt's house after that. I let her sleep in my bed, and I slept on the couch, where you woke me up this morning when you were trying to make coffee in the dark." James says as he laughs.

His parents sit in silence, digesting everything they had just heard. It's not easy to believe, let me tell you that. After a long pause his dad speaks up.

"Well that's quite a story, son. That's definitely something to be worried about." Mr Browning replies after hearing the entire story.

"And you have no clue why they want you, Ashley?" Mrs Browning asks.

"No idea! It's not like I have a lot of money, or they wouldn't want to kidnap me for a ransom cause..." She stops and fights back a tear. "Well, you know my parents aren't alive to pay it."

Mrs Browning puts her arm around Ashley reassuringly. "I'm sure that was hard, losing both your parents, Ashley. And now your aunt has turned against you. That must be unbelievably hard! But always remember that we're here for you! You'll always have a spot in our family." She says as James and his father nod in agreement. "We won't abandon you. You can stay here as long as you like, that is if you don't mind sleeping on the couch. Or you could..."

"No, she can sleep on my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." James interrupts. As soon as the words come out, James bites his tongue. Now why did I say that? Why'd I give up my bed, when she would have been just as fine on the couch as me? He wonders to himself.

Mrs Browning smiles. "Well that's very nice, James." She then stood up. "Well, don't you two have a waterfall you were going to see? Just be careful!"

Ashley jumps up. "Oh yeah! Come on James, I've gotta show you!" She runs out the door, looking back over her shoulder to make sure James is following her.

James jumps up to follow and chases after her. "Hey, wait up!" He calls.

Ashley goes a little way into the woods before she stops and lets James catch up.

"That was really nice, offering to sleep on the couch, James. Thank you." Ashley smiles as she takes James' hand in hers and keeps walking.

James blushes. There it is again. Why did he always blush when Ashley complimented him, but not when other people did? Did the feeling of her hand in his have anything to do with it? He rather liked the feeling of walking and holding her hand. Wait! What was he thinking? He was a guy! Since when have guys liked holding hands and that sort of thing?

"It's just around this corner." Ashley says, glancing up at James. She squeezed his hand in anticipation and excitement.

They walked around the corner and James' mouth dropped.

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