Chapter 16

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"Ooh, look!" Ashley says excitedly. "Blackberries! Let's eat some!"

Ashley pulls James over to the blackberry bush, and they start picking the ripest, juiciest berries off the bush and eating them. They eat and eat till they can't eat a single berry more, and then they look at each other with smiles.

"We'd better find a stream to wash this juice off our hands." James says with a grin. "Otherwise our hands will get stained this color!"

"Let's go that way." Ashley points. "It looks like a good direction to go."

It was so weird not having anywhere specific to go, she thought. Just away. Whichever direction they wanted to go.

They walked about 100 feet before they saw a stream. It was cold, mountain water running down the hillside, watering all the fields along the way. They rinsed their hands off in the water. Then James looked up at the sky.

"Oh no." James says nervously. "The sun is gonna go down soon. We need to find a place to spend the night."

"Where are we going to stay?" Ashley asks impatiently. "We don't have any money or anything!"

There is silence. Of course they should have brought money! James knew where his parents kept a secret stash, in case of emergencies. And I'd say this definitely qualifies as an emergency. James looks up and tells Ashley what he was just thinking.

Ashley smiles and grabs James' hand and starts walking, pulling him along.

"It's okay, we were so overwhelmed at the moment." She says reassuringly. "We'll make do without money for now." She says with a smile.

Suddenly Ashley stops. She's staring at something in the distance.

"What's wrong, Ash?" James asks her. "What do you see?"

"If it's what I think it is..." She says excitedly. "Come on!" Ashley starts running forward, and James chases after her. Then suddenly, Ashley stops. Stops behind a row of trees.

"Look, Jay." Ashley says with a smile.

James looks past the row of trees and sees a nice little farmhouse, tucked back in a corner, with smoke rising out of the chimney.

"Jay, I have an idea." Ashley says as she turns and looks him straight in the eyes. "Go with me on this one, okay? And don't look surprised about anything I say."

"Well you can't lie to them!" James says irritatedly.

"I won't lie, everything I say will be based on the truth." Ashley says with a gleam in her eye. "Based on it. I may expound a little though" she says with a wink. Then she takes James' hand and pulls him out to follow her up to the house.

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