Chapter 7

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Ashley opens her eyes slowly, and trees come into focus. Trees? Why were there trees? As her mind clears, it all comes back to her like a flood. She was by the waterfall. With James. And they were hugging. Her eyes opened fully and she became aware of her surroundings. They were laying on the bank, with her head on James' chest, and he had his arm wrapped around her.

She got a huge smile on her face. Here she was, an only child, both of her parents gone, and now her aunt was against her, an aunt who apparently had never loved her anyway. Yet she was still loved, still appreciated and treated like family by someone. James had no idea how much this meant to her.

"James." She whispers. "James. Are you awake?"

No reply. He must still be asleep, Ashley thinks to herself. She's suddenly curious what he looks like when he's asleep. He's normally really cute, but she'd never say that to anyone, let alone tell him. She slowly raised her head and turned over and propped herself up on an elbow.


Oh no, had she actually let out a gasp? Well she had good reason! James was even cuter asleep! He just looked so at peace, comfortable, just relaxed. He was actually quite adorable. It just keeps getting better, doesn't it? She officially has a best friend, she feels like a part of a family and is loved, and on top of it all, he's cute. He's even cute when he's asleep! Do you know how impossible that is!?!

James stirs and it snaps Ashley back into reality. He slowly opens his eyes and sees Ashley's face smiling back. He gets a big grin on his face.

"Hey there, Ash." James says with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty great, Jay." Ashley replies as she smiles with her teeth.

James blushes. "I like that new nickname."

Ashley feels her face turning red. "Well good. Now that we're best friends I've gotta have a nickname for you."

"Well I like it." James beams at Ashley.

They lay propped up on their elbows on the hill for a while longer, staring at the waterfall as it tumbles down the mountainside. The late morning sun drifts through the trees, giving everything it touches warmth with it's glow. The sound of birds chirping mix with the rush of the water falling over the rocks to create a sound that's extremely soothing and draws a person into a trance of sorts, a trance where it's nothing but them surrounded by the calmness and relaxing feel of nature.


James and Ashley jump at the sudden noise, and then at the same instant they recognize what the sound was. They look at each other with huge eyes. It was a gunshot. And it wasn't hunting season. Not for animals, at least.

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