Chapter twenty~ The Start Of The End

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Jared was laying on something. People were standing around him, looking at him. "He's waking up. Jared? Jared, can you hear me?" a man said. Everything was blurry and smudged. "Jared, it'll be alright. Just focus on us, okay? Just look at me, and everything will be fine." another person, a woman, said. "W...where..." Jared mumbled slowly. "Shh. Just be quiet. Jared? Jared, don't go back in. JARED!" a third person yelled. This person's voice was familiar.

Jared woke with a start. He had a lingering sense of forgetting something, but shook it off instantly. Doug and Nico were in his room. Jared remembered that he forgot to lock the door. "Oh, you're up. Well, it's time. He told us to meet in the trial room." Doug explained. Jared nodded. "You...feeling alright?" Nico asked slowly. "I...I think so." Jared mumbled. What did he forget? What was missing. It felt so close, yet just out if reach. He knew it felt real. Too real. And there was a voice. It sounded almost like...Mat. "Is Mat up yet?" Jared asked as he got out of bed. "No, he's still out. I'm guessing he's gonna be out for a long time. Ha, he's gonna be so surprised once he wakes up, alive and free again." Doug said.

The three of them walked to the cafeteria. Everyone else was in there. Jared felt dizzy as he walked, and everything was almost...glitching. Jared first saw Jarod's nameplate next to his door. Why did it say Jirard? After following the other two, Jared stopped walking for a second. Why was the pharmacy on the first floor? And why was there warning tape covering the doors? "Jared? You alright?" Nico asked, looking over his shoulder. Jared nodded, walking faster to catch up with Doug and Nico.

The three walked in to the cafeteria. Mat was on the longest table on his back, with a bit of drool running down his face. Everyone else was just standing around. "Let's go let's go let's go! What's taking you guys so long?" Monokuma yelled on the monitor. "We're coming, calm down." Nate said bitterly. "We just had to wake up Jared." Josh said. "Well, he's awake, so come on down to the trial room! There, you can meet the true me." the bear said before the monitor went black. "Everyone feeling alright? Ready to go?" Nico said, looking around the small group. Jared had a hand on his head. He felt like the world was falling apart. Words and names seemed to just show up and disappear in front if him, and everyone looked paper think for a split second before going back to normal. "Hey...Jared? You look like you're gonna pass out or something. You alright?" Nate asked. Everyone was looking at Jared.

Suddenly, everything stopped. Everything looked normal again. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Jared said. "Alright then...I'll carry Mat." Nate said slowly. "Wait, before we go, what are we gonna do with Alter Ego?" Josh suddenly asked. "We can take her with us. I'll grab her." Nico said.

After everything was ready, the six of them stood at the red doors. Mat was hanging off of Nate's shoulder, unmoving. Nico had Alter Ego's computer under his arm. Jared was feeling much better, though there was one thing wrong.


"Jared...wake up..." they repeated in his head. He had a slight headache, but he stayed silent about it. They had to do this now, with or without a stupid headache.

"Upupupupup! I see you guys are as excited as I am for this, you why wait any longer? Let's get this show on the road!" Monokuma said happily, standing in front of the opening red doors. Jared took a deep breath and glanced at the others. Doug had his hat in his hands, fidgeting with it nervously. Josh was glaring at where the bear stood a moment ago, eyes filled with fire. Nate had his eyes closed and head tilted down, his face serious. Nico's eyes were glancing around the room and at the others, taking everything in. Mat was hanging over Nate's shoulder, and he probably wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

Jared was the first one to start walking. Soon the others followed him to the elevator. After the ride, they were in the trial room. There was a new photo of Austin, just like all of the other dead people. Everyone stood at their place, firm and ready. Nico placed the laptop on the floor next to him. Nate put Mat at his desk, laying back down on the floor. Josh glanced at Alex's photo before quickly looking away. Monokuma sat in his chair, looking over everyone.

"Well, I guess this is the end. Might as well say the same thing I say everytime, so, ALL RISE!" the bear yelled.

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