Chapter twenty six~ The Vote

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"So, are we ready to vote, or what?" Caddie asked happily. "No, wait! Can we just have a few more minutes?" Jared asked suddenly. Caddie looked at him as if he were an annoyance. "Ugh, fiiiiine. Just be quick about, alright not-really-a-monster-hunter-but-his-title-says-he-is." Caddie said, rolling his eyes.

"Why wait? We've made up our minds." Nico said sadly. "What's even the point anymore?" Josh asked. "We might as well die here. It's better then going out to the real world and dying out there." Mat said slowly. "It'll be quick...then I could be with my friends Hunter..." Nate said, almost as if ever word hurt him. "It's not like we really have a chance anymore. We're just...staying here." Doug explained. "No, you're all wrong! We need to leave. We need to fix this." Jared said. "We can't. We're not heroes, we don't save the day, we don't fight the bad guy. We're just normal people." Mat said sadly.

"We lost." Josh said.

"Let's just die here." Nate said.

"What's the point?" Nico said.

"We need to stay." Mat said.

"There's nothing left." Doug said.

Their words repeated inside of Jared's head. He had to prove them wrong. He had hope, he could give it to them. He just need to show them that they still had hope. The hadn't lost yet. They couldn't die here. There was a point to this. They could go. They had, at the very least, something.

"Wow Jared, I see you were helpful. Really changing things up here." Caddie said bluntly, picking at his nails. "There's already to much despair here. No amount of love or hope or friendship or whatever the fuck other stuff cartoons use as the answer can save them now. You're too late." he continued. "N-No, that's wrong. We are leaving this game!" Jared said. "Why? Why should we leave? Why not just stay here?" Mat asked. "We need to t-tell someone! We need people to know what's happened here! We can't just die with everyone else." Jared said, looking at everyone. "It's not like there's anything else we can do. We might as well die here." Nate said slowly.

The words continued to repeat in Jared's head. We lost. Let's just die here. What's the point? We need to stay. There's nothing left.

They were the other's weaknesses. It's what made them want to stay in the game. If I can just prove them wrong, they might leave with me...but, how? They won't believe me. Would they? Who knows.

"So, if that's all, time to vote! Will you be joining the real world? Or staying in the game world?" Caddie said happily. He sniffed the air. "Oh, the despair in the room! It smells like a thousand flower fields." he said, smiling creepily. "No, please, wait!" Jared yelled. "Nope. Please cast your votes everyone." Caddie said smuggly.

"I vote to-" Josh began to say, before being cut off. "ALEX! Josh, think about Alex! He died trying to get us all out of here alive! You can't just give up like that! You need to leave!" Jared yelled, looking at Josh desperately. Josh paused, his hand above the switch to vote. His eyes were getting wider and watery. He closed his hand in to a fist and closed his eyes. "We can still win. We haven't lost yet." Jared said. Josh opened his eyes in surprise, and smiled slightly. "Y-You're right. I...I can't just give up again. This time, I'm fighting, until the very end!" Josh said happily. "I vote to leave." he continued, flicking the switch.

"Really? Huh, pushover." Caddie said, crossing his arms. Nate brought a shaky hand over the switch. " you really want to die like Hunter? Do you think he wanted to die here? If he were here now, do you really think this is what he would have wanted?" Jared asked. Nate said nothing. "He wanted everyone to be happy, right? Happy and alive. And, in order to do that, we need to live. We can't just die here." Jared explained. Nate was silent. Then, he nodded. "Right. We can't just die when things get hard. We need to live, to make ourselves and other proud. I vote to leave." Nate said triumphantly.

"Man, what a bunch of hope filled assholes. Now everything's all tied up because of you." Caddie said, sounding annoyed. "We're...tied?" Doug asked. "Doug, you still want to leave, right? Well, we have a chance. We have something. We can win this!" Jared said. Doug's eyes widened. Then, he laughed, a truly happy laugh. "You're right! We have something to work with now! We can get the hell out of here! No matter what!" Doug called happily. "I vote to leave." he said, flicking the switch.

"Well yippy fucking skippy, more then half is on the loser's side. Oh well, I'll make a new rule then. Anyone who wants to stay can, even if everyone else wants to leave." Caddie explained. "Wait, what? You can't do that." Doug said. "Can and will! So, Mat and Nico can stay with me forever and ever!" Caddie said happily.

Nico brought his hand down on the switch. "Nico, you need to leave. We aren't heroes, you're right. But, we aren't quitters either. There's a point to all of this. We need to fix this, and change everything for us, no matter what happens. Am I right?" Jared said. Nico paused on the switch, not moving. "Really?" he asked. "Really." Jared responded. Nico slowly moved his hand. "Well then, I vote to leave. We got this far, what's the point of quitting?" Nico said, smiling.

Jared faced Mat. "Please, don't start your speech. I can't go." Mat said. "It's not about if you can or can't, it's about needing to leave. Look around. Look at all of these people, alive and willing to stay alive. You didn't quit when we were playing this stupid game, so why are you quitting now?" Jared explained. "Because, out there is different. Out there is...terrible. It's something no one should go back to." Mat said, looking serious. "But you're strong. I know there's no good outcome here, but leaving is better then dying here. Please, Mat. We aren't leaving without you." Jared said. Mat was silent. " really think so...and if you guys are going to be stubborn like that...I'll vote to leave." Mat said, flicking his switch.

"What? Really?" Caddie said, looking at everyone in surprise. "Really. I vote to leave." Jared said, a smug smile on his face.

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