Chapter nine~ What is life?

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"Alright, lets start with the obvious and work from there. Hunter was killed in the pool area last night from a blow to the head by a dumbbell." Caddie said. "Where did the killer get the dumbbell?" Emile asked. "Well, he probably got it from the changing rooms. They have a bunch of workout equipment there, so they must have dumbbells." Nico said. "Alright, but why a dumbbell? Dumbbells are heavy and sorta awkward to hold. Why not use a knife or something?" Jeremy asked. "Maybe the killer wanted the death to be instant, so Hunter had no way of telling us like Jarod had the chance to." Josh said.

"Since the killer did hit him, how come no one had any blood on them. Even thought they were a the pool, wouldn't the person smell like chlorine that morning if they washed off in the pool?" Alex asked. "They wore some workout clothes. Caddie found them." Jared said. Caddie nodded. "They were in the male changing room, inside one of the lockers. They were also covered in blood." Caddie said confidently. "Alright, then when did the killer, well, kill?" Doug asked. "Nate, around what time did you leave the party?" Austin asked. "....11:30......." Nate said quietly, looking at the ground. "So, Hunter could have been killed around 11:35 or 11:40, right?" Jon suggested. "Maybe even earlier. They wanted to be sure that it was one person alone at the party they could sneak up on, so they could have gone in as soon as Nate left." Mat said. "How could they have known how many were left?" Emile asked.

"I hate to suggest this, but...what if...Nate killed him?" Arin said nervously. Nate looked up suddenly, a look of shock on his face. "W-What?! No! No way! He was my best friend, why the hell would I kill him?" Nate yelled. ''Well, you could have just left, took what you needed, and ran right back in to finish the job. You could even know how many people were at the pool at that time. Most of the evidence is pointing at you right now, Nate." Arin said. Nate's eyes widened, and the color drained from his face. "No...why...nononononononono! NO! I COULDN'T HAVE KILLED HIM! HE WAS MY...MY BEST FRIEND IN THIS PLACE!" Nate screamed, tears running down his face. "Arin, if you really think Nate did do you explain the drawing in Hunter's room? Or what Jon saw last night?" Jared asked. "What? Drawing? What are you talking about?" Arin asked. "Me and Jared found one of your drawings in Hunter's room, on his floor near the door." Austin said. "And Jon told me and Jared that he saw you run to your room around 10:30." Alex added. "Ah! Um...I...a..." Arin said nervously.
"Arin, were you trying to frame Nate?" Caddie said in disbelief. Arin was silent for a moment. "He...does have...a lot of...evidence...pointed at...him..." Arin said uncertainly. "Arin, tell the truth. Are you trying to frame Nate?" Doug asked. Arin stood there silently for a moment.

"I was...going to be accused...if I didn't...I do think Nate's the killer...but I had to say it right away...if I didn't, everyone would have accused me, and then everyone would have died! Nate framed me! He put my drawing in Hunter's room and somehow got Jon to say he saw me! But I didn't do it!" Arin cried desperately. "So, you admit you were trying to get us to focus on Nate before we accused you." Jeremy said. Arin nodded quickly. "Is it you?" Jon asked. "It's not me, guys. The killer is trying to frame me, just like I said! And that killer is Nate!" Arin said, pointing at Nate. "It's not me, you jackass!" Nate yelled.

"Arin, you said you've been framed by the killer, but Jon saw you go to your room." Alex said. "Maybe...maybe their working together! Ever thought of that? Huh? Huh? EVER THOUGHT OF THAT!" Arin yelled. "You know, all this yelling isn't really helping you. It just makes you seem more like your hiding something." Nico said flatly. "I'm not, I swear to god! The killer really is-" Arin yelled, before getting cut off. "Wait. Hey, Monokuma." Nate said, looking up at the bear, who was eating from a jar if honey. "Huh? What do you want?" Monokuma asked. "It takes three people who've seen the body to set off the body announcement, right?" Nate asked, sounding oddly strong. "That's right!" the bear said happily. "Does that include the killer?" Nate asked. Monokuma paused. "" Monokuma said. "Me, Jared and Arin were the first people to find the body, and since the killer doesn't count, and the announcement came on, I can't be the killer." Nate said confidently. Arin froze. "Wait, you said Arin was there too, right? So that means..." Mat said, trailing off. "Arin's not the killer either!" Doug finished. "So then, who is?" Josh asked.

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