Chapter nineteen~ The Mastermind

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The next morning, Jared was woken by the overly cheery voise of Monokuma. As the bear did his usual morning speech, Jared got up and vividly remembered what happened the day before. Arin and Austin were dead. They still didn't know who the mastermind was. Jared sighed before walking out the door. He started walking down the hallway before stoping. He was looking at something. Austin's dorm. He remembered his first day at the school. Austin was the first person he had met, at this exact place. Jared closed his eyes. "Dammit..." he said quietly, thinking about the shit everyone's gone through.

"...Jared? How are you feeling?" a sudden voice said. Jared turned to see Nico standing behind him, looking concerned. "I'm, uh, I think I'm..." Jared mumbled. He couldn't say he was fine. He wasn't. "Hey, come on, lets go to breakfast, eat, then we'll...think of something to do." Nico said, gesturing for Jared to follow him.

The two walked in to the cafeteria, only to be greeted by yelling. "There's the son of a bitch!" Doug said angrily, pointing at Nico. "W-What?" Nico stuttered, before being tackled by Nate and Josh. "Hey! What are you...? Stop!" Nico yelled, pushing himself away from the two. "Can someone please explain what's happening, because I'm completely lost." Jared said awkwardly, looking around the room. "We've decided that Nico is the mastermind. He knows the most about our situation, he always seems angry about something, and he doesn't seem scared of Monokuma. He is the mastermind, which means we are kill him and end this." Mat explained. "I'm not the- get off of me! I'm not the mastermind!" Nico said, pushing off Nate and Josh. "Yes you are. There's no one else it could be!" Doug yelled. "Oh yeah? What about...Mat? He's always so calm, he's not scared of that bear either, and he always seems like he's hiding something." Nico said, looking at Mat. Mat shook his head. "I'm not the mastermind." he said simply. "Then who is?" argued Nico. "Well, it could be Josh. When he and Alex were fighting Monokuma, I didn't see him do anything. He could have been leading Alex in to a trap." Mat said, facing Josh. "Me?! You think it's me? Just because I got scared, because I fucked up? What about Nate, huh? I never saw him stop Jon from killing Hunter. He must have saw him when he went back to his room, and he did nothing!" Josh yelled, tears in his eyes. "So now you think it's me? Why not Doug? He's done nothing helpful this entire time." Nate argued. "Yeah? Then what about Jared? He's always calm and always has the answer. How do we know he doesn't learn all this stuff from the cameras all over the place?" Doug yelled. "Guys, it's not me! Could everyone just shut up?" Jared yelled.

That's when the argument started. No one was quiet, no one would stop and no one was left alone. This continued for around five minutes or so. That was until someone started acting weird.

"The evidence c-clearly points t-to...t-t-to..." Mat said. "What? Finally giving up?" Nico said. "He did it! He killed everyone! Austin, Arin, Alex, Caddie, Jeremy, Emile, Jon, Hunter, Felix and Jarod. He killed them all!" Nate yelled. Mat was steadying himself on a table. "...Jirard." Mat mummbled. "What?" Doug asked. "His name...Jarod's's Jirard." Mat said slowly. "Jirard? What are you talking about?" Josh asked. That's when Mat collapsed.

Mat fell to the floor, unconscious. "M-Mat? What the fuck? Mat!" Nico yelled, running towards Mat. "Holy shit. What happened to him?" Nate questioned, sounding panicked. "He's still alive, he's just out cold." Nico explained.

Ding Dong!

"A body has been dis- oh, never mind, just out cold." Monokuma said on the monitor. "Yeah, we know." Josh said. "Anyways, I have something to tell you guys, so come down to the gym! And, what's his name again? May? Nat? Something like that. Bring him too." Monokuma said, then the monitor went black. "Well, do we just drag him there?" Doug asked, looking at Mat. "I could try to carry him." Nate said. He lifted Mat on the his shoulder. "Alright...I got'im..." Nate said.

Everyone went inside the gym. Nate placed Mat on the floor. "That's it? That's everyone?" Monokuma asked. "Wow. Putting you all in a killing game really cut down on the people here, huh." he said, as if he didn't expect that. "Just tell us whatever you need to tell us, and hurry up." Doug said bitterly. "Grrr, fine. Since there's only a few of you guys left, I decided this would be your last day in the school! Tonight you all will meet the mastermind, and get to leave!" Monokuma said cheerfully. "R-Really? We really get to leave?" Nate said, staring at the bear in disbelief. Monokuma nodded. "This nice of you." Nico said, glaring at Monokuma. "Well, I am fifty percent kindness!" he said. Jared was silent. He could leave. Thanks to everyone, he could leave. All if the victims and all of the killers brought Jared and the others to this point. It would finally end. Why wasn't he happy? "Hey! Hold on a second!" Josh yelled, catching everyone's attention. "Hm?" the bear hummed, looking at the Super Youtuber Level Ranter. "What about what Mat said? He said something about Jarod being Jirard. What was that?" Josh asked. "Jirard? Just forget about that, Blondey McYellington. He probably didn't even know what he was saying. He was delusional." Monokuma replied. Then, he disappeared.

Jared retreated to his dorm. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now. He didn't know what to do. He felt like crying over the fact that so many people died. He felt like jumping and cheering because he could finally leave the school. He felt like questioning Monokuma because he couldn't believe that the bear would just let them leave. While he thought about what to do, he noticed that he wasn't doing anything. He was just standing in his dorm, looking at his bed, hands trembling. The decided to just sleep the day away. He'll deal with all of his thoughts later.

Jared fell on to his bed. His eyes closed. What he didn't know was that sleep would cost much more stress then being awake. It would also make many more questions.

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