Chapter sixteen~ Stomach Bugs

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That morning, Jared woke up feeling more tired then usual. Jared guessed that was from his late night encounter with Austin, who had solved the poison problem by hiding the poisons behind the other powders in cabinets A and B. Though Jared did question how much that would help, he decided to deal with that later. He was tired right now, so his thinking skills weren't at their best.

Jared walked into the cafeteria. Only one other person was there with him. "Hi Jared!" Austin said. Jared lazily waved as he went to make himself some breakfast. When he returned from the kitchen, he saw that mostly everyone else was there. "Where's Mat?" Doug asked, glancing around the room. Mat was the only one who didn't show up. "Where the hell is he?" Arin asked, putting down is untouched strawberry jam toast. "We should check on him..." Josh said. Jared, Nico and Nate walked out if the cafeteria.

The three approached Mat's door. Jared raised a nervous fist and knocked on the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The door swung open. Mat was standing there with dark bags under his eyes. He paused to look at the others. "Sorry. Slept in. I'll come down now." Mat said tiredly after seeing the three. He pushed past Jared and walked down the hallway. "What's his problem?" Nate asked once Mat was out of sight. "He's probably tired or something." Nico explained. "Well, come on, we need to go down there." Jared said. After a short walk the three were back in the cafeteria.

As everyone ate, Jared noticed something. Arin was hunched over slightly, looking sick and pale. "Arin? You alright?" Austin asked, sound concerned. "I...just don't feel good..." Arin said slowly. "Do you need some water? Rest?" Nico asked. Arin nodded. "Both...I'm going dorm..." he said slowly. Arin slowly stood up before lurching back down, holding his stomach. Mat and Josh ran over to him to help him up and walk him to his room. "What's wrong with him?" Doug asked. "Maybe a stomach bug? He'll probably be fine." Austin said. "I'll get his water." Nico said, going into the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with a tall glass of water and walked out of the room.

After the remaining people uneasily finished their own food, they walked to Arin's dorm to check on him. When they got there, all they could hear was coughing.

Arin was leaned over the bed, coughing. Josh had gotten a bowl from the storage and had placed it on the ground. Nico held the glass of water to keep it from being knocked over. Mat was leaning on the wall near the door, watching the whole ordeal. "Oh god..." Nate said, looking at everything. "He's getting worse by the minute. We don't know what's wrong with him." Mat explained over Arin's coughing. "This is so weird." Doug said, looking around the room. Suddenly, the sickening sound of Arin puking was heard. "I feel bad for the guy." Nico said, putting down the glass of water. "Um, guys, look at this." Josh said worriedly, looking into the puke bowl. "We do not need to see that stuff." Austin said, covering his nose with his shirt to block the smell. "No, look. There's blood in it." Josh said, sounding panicked.

"Wait, blood?" Jared asked. He looked inside the bowl. Small spots and bigger blotches of blood among the puke. "Oh god. OH GOD." Jared said, eyes wide. "Shit. Shit shit shit shit!" Nate said, running his fingers through his hair nervously. " it...?" Arin said weakly, breathing heavily. He quickly started coughing again. "Why...?" Mat said quietly, shaking his head. "Oh Jesus...look, he's...coughing blood..." Austin said. It was true. Blood was dripping out of his mouth. "Someone, get a towel or something!" Mat yelled, wiping the blood off the bedsheets and Arin's face. "A-Alight!" Jared said, rushing out of the room. He ran into the storage room and took a small, blue towel. He then rushed out of the room and down the hallway. Before he could reach Arin's room, he heard something.

Ding! Dong!

"A body has been discovered! After a few minutes of investigation, we'll start the final class trial!" Monokuma said happily on a nearby monitor. Jared's breath quickened as he ran into Arin's room.

It was too quiet. There wasn't a single sound. The loud, painful coughing had stopped, and in it's place was nothing. No movement, no sound, just nothing.

Laying on the bed was the body. He was laying at an awkward angle, with his hands clenching his stomach. He was very pale, making the blood coming from his mouth very noticeable. His face was wet from sweat and his legs were bent, as if he was curing himself in to a ball. His eyes were shut tightly, and his face looked like he was in pain.

This was Arin, the Super Youtuber Level Animator.

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