Chapter twenty five~ Stay, Or Go?

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"Holy shit you're magical." Caddie said, looking surprised. "Not exactly. I was put back in. They wanted me back in." Jared explained. "Wait, why would they do that? Why would they want that?" Doug asked. "After I was let out of the game, the programmers ran a few tests, then just put me back in." Jared said. "Why were they even trying to get us out if they'll just put us back in?" Nate asked. "They just do it to run tests. They want to see how far they can push us before we break." Jared explained.

"Alright, blah blah blah, back story back story, the people who made this game are evil, blah blah blah, WE GET IT!" Caddie yelled, looking at everyone. "Now, this is great and all, but we need to get to everyone's favorite part." Caddie said happily. "What part?" Josh asked. "The part where you all chose whether or not you want to stay in the game, or leave into a world of despair!" Caddie said with a big smile on his face.

Everyone was silent. "You know, we could all just die in this game like your friends and fellow youtubers. Would be a better fate then leaving and being killed in the outside world. We're all going to die either way." Caddie said. "...Why are you so happy about all this?" Nico asked. "Yeah, your going to die too if we stay." Mat said. "Well, that's why I'm happy! I finally get to leave this place by dying with my best friends!" Caddie said happily. "Also, I may or may not have played as Junko one too many times, which may have also caused me to be a bit inconsistent Just like how Jared played as Naegi all of the damn time, and now he has super trial powers!" Caddie added. "So that's why Jared already had skills in the trials..." Mat said to himself.

"So, think about it, take your time. Will you stay? Or will you go? Also, this is a majority vote, so if more of you want to leave, then even the person that wanted to stay in the game needs to leave." Caddie explained. "How are we even getting out?" Nico asked. "My buddy! You know, the one controlling Monokuma. He'll let you guys out after killing everyone else. Unless, you want to stay, then he'll join us." Caddie said. "Who is this person anyway?" Josh asked. "He's just a friend. Fellow youtuber. You might meet him later." Caddie said nonchalantly. "Why won't you tell us who he is?" Mat asked. "I don't feel like it, that's why. So, meah." Caddie said, sticking out his tongue.

"God, why are we even talking about this?" Doug asked. "Yeah, we're going to leave either way." Josh added. "Really? You think so?" Caddie asked. "Well, yeah. Why the hell would we want to stay in this hell hole?" Nate asked. "Because, even if you leave, you'll die. I mean, you saw yourselves. You look like crap! Also, what do you have to go back to?" Caddie explained. "We want to leave. We need to go back to the real world. We need to see our loved ones and friends. We need to tell the police what happened here!" Nico said strongly. "What loved ones? What friends? They're all dead or have given up on you guys. You'll be hated by everyone! And the police? HA! They wouldn't believe you. Hell, after they see what happened here, they'll think you did it! You will be the only survivors." Caddie said. "Wait, you won't come with us?" Jared asked. "Nah. I'm going to die here, no matter what happens. I want to die here." Caddie said creepily. He had a crazy smile on his face as he said that. He looked insane. "Why don't we all just die as friends? We can be together, and it'll be over quickly. Plus, we get to live in a video game before we die! How cool is that? We can all die just like our friends did. What's the point in even fighting anymore? All roads lead to despair in the end, so lets just take the fast track to death. That's what I wanted when me and my friend reprogrammed the game. To die together. It'll be so poetic and sad and despairing! You'll all love it."

"So! After delaying it for a while, lets answer the damn question, alright? Stay? Or go?" Caddie asked. "We'll..." Mat started to say, but trailed off. He looked uncertain. "Well, I'll...stay." he said sadly. "What? No! Why are you...what the hell, Mat?" Doug asked. "I know what it's like out there. I...don't want to go back. I tried to be strong, but...I can't go." Mat explained. "Wow. I was right. Mat is the smart one here. The Kirigiri, if you will." Caddie said happily. "Well, it's a majority vote, right? We can go, even if Mat wants to stay, right?" Jared asked hopefully. Nate was looking at the ground, deep in thought. "...Maybe...I could...die here. Like Hunter did." he said quietly. "Y-You too?" Jared said in surprise. Nate just nodded, not saying a word. "We have no chance." Josh said suddenly, shaking his head. "We're all going to die no matter what. We lost to him. It's over. We might as well just...die here, together." Josh continued. "B-But..." Jared muttered. "Are you three insane? We need to leave!" Doug yelled. "Why?" Nico asked. "It'll just end more painfully for us that way. Here, we can just die in our sleep. We can just...get it over with. What's the point of leaving?" Nico said. "So...none of you are going?" Doug asked. "I'm going!" Jared said loudly. "Yeah,'re just one guy. Most of us want to stay, so I guess...I will to." Doug said, losing hope.

Jared looked at everyone in disbelief. Were they really giving up, just like that? "I really can't believe how much despair we have now! Everyone has overwhelming amounts of despair. It's beautiful, really. Don't worry, alright guys. We'll be dead soon, so the despair won't last that long." Caddie said as he looked around the room.

No...he's wrong...not everyone has despair...I don't! Jared thought. He had hope. He wanted to leave the game. He wanted to rid everyone of despair. And he would, even if it killed him.

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