[ xv ]

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it had been a remarkable number of days. all kevin had done was dread the day he would have to face jacob again. he felt horrible, what if jacob did not want to kiss him? what if he was just being friendly and kevin had over-analyzed? what if jacob never wants to see him again? what if his crazy fans find and assassinate him? if that did happen, he hoped people would at least play 'let me in' by enhypen at his funeral. (a/n streAm)

but of course, the universe is absolutely against him, to put it simply. he never wished to be noticed, he never wished to meet jacob. falling for him again was another topic, he couldn't really blame anyone other than him and his weak heart for it. could it be fate? when jacob left, kevin wished they would never meet again. two years later, here they are. it's definitely the universe's doing. or maybe younghoon's. that's a strong possibility too. but after reaching the fair younghoon invited him too, he decided it was younghoon after all. not all breads are nice, he declared.

right outside the winter fair, he caught younghoon and new waiting for him, the latter waving him over. and right beside them the devil (read: angel) who was turning his life upside down. kevin ignored both jacob and younghoon, and went to hug chanhee first. chanhee welcomed him warmly and hugged back, smirking mockingly at the other two when kevin couldn't see. they went inside and kevin held chanhee's hand for most of the time. chanhee didn't mind and babied kevin as much as he wanted. the other two gave their interlinked arms sharp stares, as though it would separate them.

jacob made several attempts to talk to kevin, but the younger kept turning to chanhee. jacob knew there was nothing going on there, yet he was upset over the fact that kevin kept ignoring him. how bad he wanted to kiss him back that day, was something he alone knew.

they rode rides, ate food, clicked photos, walked around, and had loads of fun. it was the golden hour when they were passing the almost empty ferris wheel. kevin had a stick of cotton candy, and so did chanhee. "hey! let's ride that!", chanhee exclaimed. kevin pulled chanhee towards an empty carriage, but younghoon caught him by putting his arms around his waist. "i think, kevin, that maybe you could ride with mr. bae and spare this poor commoner a few moments with the love of his life, thank you very much!"

chanhee turned beet and younghoon pulled him away and into the queue. it was quite crowded, and two carriages were empty for the four youths. younghoon lived up to his words and boarded one with chanhee. that left kevin to ride with jacob. as sson as they sat down across each other in the cramped cart, jacob took the younger's hands. "why are you ignoring me? what happened? was it something i did? what did i do? i'm sure i can fix it, just give me a chance. why won't you look at me all this time? why is it chanhee you're clinging to? why isn't it me? do you not like me? am i not good enough? why did you kiss me the—"

"no! it's not you! you're perfect, stop saying that! i like you so much, but i'm scared you don't! who would like a crappy medical student who isn't even that dedicated? you're way too good for me! you're an idol, and i'm a nobody!"

"look at me kevin" kevin did not look at him. he turned to the other side and hid behind his cotton candy, quite failing to. jacob reached out to move the obstruction (cotton candy) but kevin attached his mouth on it. jacob tugged harder, leaving kevin with a huge bite of cotton candy in his mouth, half of it sicking out. jacob leaned forward and chewed on the sweet delicacy. he kept biting ahead, much similar to a game of pocky, until his lips were away from kevin's by lesser than the thickness of a super slim smartphone. the elder searched the younger's eyes, finding fear and shock, but thrilling amusement which outshone everything else. so he took the leap of faith and connected their lips, the candy melting. both their mouths tasted sweet, obviously from the, you guessed it, cotton candy. 

once they separated, kevin stuttered, "w-what was that?"

"isn't it obvious? i like you very much, mister, so be mine!", jacob said and smiled. kevin tackled him in a hug, and answered, "yes, yes and yes!"

(a/n i'm late ik, but what's new lol, enjoyyyyy this second to last chapter)

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