[ xiv ]

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the elevator rumbled and came to a stopped. kevin hugged jacob tighter. boy, this was not a good day for him. "ow, ow! kev! that's my shoulder!"

"i-i'm scared jacob!"

"i know, do you wanna sit down?" jacob was answered with a nod. the elder pulled away, and sat down. he tugged on kevin's hand. kevin moved to sat down, but he got seated so close to jacob, he was almost in the other's lap!

it was silent for long, until shattered by kevin. "i'm sorry", he said softly. jacob looked at him confused. "i'm sorry for whatever happened two years ago. it was mostly my fault, and i'm the one suffering more rightfully"

"stop, it wasn't your fault, it was mine, kev. i shouldn't have tried to get you to come to seoul, i shouldn't have lost my temper, it's all my fault. you're the one who needs to forgive me."

"no, jacob, i should have just come to seoul like you wanted. if i knew i would end up here anyway, none of what happened would have happened. and you have all the rights to lose your temper! i know it must not be easy to keep your chill all the time, it's just me who's the one at fault here, cob. and i am really sorry, although you don't have to forgive me. just know that i feel very bad and guilty."

"kev, it was my fault too. it's not just you. let's just say we were both at fault and end that matter. it's all in the past, let's look ahead now", jacob noticed tears forming in kevin's eyes. "oh, kevin", he muttered, pulling the younger closer and resting him against his own shoulder. kevin let his tears flow and sobbed into jacob's floofy jacket.

kevin calmed down after a while. the storm had subsided quite a lot too. they just sat in the dark, hugging each other as jacob swayed them back and forth gently. "hey cob?", kevin called gently.


"have you ever thought of what would happen if, uh, whatever happened back in canada hadn't happened?"

jacob pulled back to look at the younger's face. he brushed aside a blonde fringe and tucked it gently behind his ear. (a/n omg kevins new hair sksjdjs) he smiled at Kevin and said, "i have, actually"



kevin mirrored his smile, just as gentle, if his non-existent lips are overlooked. jacob sighed and leaned into his personal bubble, seeking warmth. jacob could hear his breath hitch. a smirk made it's way playfully on his lips. he only leaned in and kevin was already malfunctioning, what would happen if he went further? would he need to be rebooted?

curiosity killed the cat, they say. but jacob was never a cat person. he leaned in further, gradually. he could see kevin's eyes shaking, his breath speeding up, his grip on jacob's arm tightening, his body instinctively leaning backwards. jacob tilted his head, his intentions clear to both. he leaned in deeper, one more move and they would be connected, months of silent longing and wishful yearning would come to an end, all those daydreams would come true. just one more move.

curiosity killed the cat, they say. and kevin loved cats. so he took control of his body, stopped leaning backwards, and leapt forward, completely on the elder's lap. he went in for the kiss, yet loud thuds sounded from the elevator doors. "hello? kevin? you in there?"

that was younghoon's voice. "yes! me and jacob are stuck here", he hurried off the elder, the thought of getting out finally exciting him. jacob sat there with a frown, looking at the ground. kevin did not notice.

" stay right there, i'll call someone to get you out!"

"'course, it's not like we have a secret passageway in here"


fifteen minutes later, three of them were outside kevin's apartment, bidding the elder goodbye. he ordered an uber, which was arriving in another two minutes. "well, thanks for today, even though we did not do anything", kevin said with a sad, flat smile. "it's not fruitless, though", younghoon interjected, "you still have the kiss left"

the canadians looked at one another for one second. jacob hardly had time to apprehend what happened next. one second kevin's next to younghoon, the next he's in front of him, and the next, his lips touch jacob's own and they're off just as fast as they came. kevin rushed inside and slammed the door shut, probably flushing greatly. jacob and younghoon looked at each other with wide eyes, both expecting an explanation from one another. yet neither had anything to say, this sudden confidence kevin had was something none of them had seen in the recent few years.

"uh, sorry, i gotta go, my uber's waiting"

"oh, yeah, sure. see you, bye!"

jacob waved and turned to leave. what a crazy day.

(a/n don't wanna keep y'all waiting, your time us precious T^T hope you enjoy, also it's coming to an end :> also also, stream lix' asmr :") it rlly does make me a lil but sleepy)

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