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the doorbell rang and as he finished washing the dishes mess was wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. "i got it!", came jacob's voice from the other room. kevin heard the sound of the door opening, jacob greeting the guest warmly, as always, thanking him and then gently shutting the door. a few seconds later, the elder entered the kitchen, where kevin was still standing and held out a pizza box. "i got pizza, let's eat!" kevin grabbed cola from the fridge and a few paper napkins. they moved to the living room, where kevin grabbed the remote for the tv and turned on a random rom-com.

they sat on either side of the couch with the pizza between them. kevin, now starving, quickly picked up a a slice, as soon as jacob did, and bit down almost half of it. he chewed a few times, his face then turning into one of disgust. he looked at jacob with the same face and said, "you got pineapple on pizza?!"

"yeah, do you not like it?"

"absolutely not. pineapple doesn't go on pizza!"

"it does! but you can give your pineapple to me"

"yeah alright, here"

they saw the movie while munching on the delicious pizza. the entire six pieces were gone in below fifteen minutes. cleaning the kitchen made them really hungry. the movie ended with a sweet kiss shared by the two leads, both jacob and kevin smiling at the adorable interaction of the two characters. they then prepared to go to bed, jacob suggesting he sleep on the couch, kevin not arguing much. they exchanged a small 'good night' and headed to sleep. a few minutes later both of them were fast asleep, one sleeping calmly, while the other tossed and turned.


at around half past four at dawn, kevin woke up with a jolt. he woke up on cold sweat and sat up on his bed, gasping and trying to catch his breath.

unknown to anyone but younghoon, his best friend, kevin has been having nightmares ever since he moved to seoul. he had a few back in canada, but almost all the times, jacob would be there to soothe him and lull him back to sleep. yet ever since he moved to seoul, he had been deprived of the elders's loving and warm embrace.

kevin walked to the bathroom, and splashed his face with cold water, trying to forget the scare. he proceeded to the kitchen for a refreshing glass of water. turning on a small and dim lamp, he grabbed a cup and poured chilly water from the refrigerator into it. he sat down on the table, from where he had a clear view of jacob sleeping. the elder was curled into a ball, easily fitting in the couch and snuggled up to the blanket as he breathed lighter than a feather.

kevin gulped down his water, switched off the light and went back to sleep, trying to get some rest for at least a few hours.

(a/n tEa heh, also enjoy the double update)

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