[ xiii ]

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"i dare you, jacob bae, to take kevin out on a date!"

three jaws dropped open that instant. chanhee was shocked. he was still a little bit cautious about jacob, but he was also surprised now that he knew younghoon accepted jacob.

the eldest looked at kevin, noticing him staring at younghoon with widened eyes. it had been years, there was no way. jacob would love to take kevin on a date, but he was sure kevin would utterly despise that. forcing the younger wasn't an option, obviously. he just couldn't. the odds weren't in his favour either. so he did what he should.

"i pass, sorry." he thought he saw a streak of sadness flash by kevin's face, but it was gone as fast as it came. "that's unfortunate", younghoon mused.

the game went on. until it was jacob again. he went for dare once more. "jacob bae, i dare you to take kevin out on a date and kiss him by the end of it."

that's when he started regretting using his pass earlier. kevin looked away, jacob trying to make eye contact with him. "y-younghoon, they don't seem very comfortable with this, leave it be babe", chanhee reasoned. but his boyfriend was adamant. "come on, it's just a dare, there's no feelings involved", he continued with a smirk, "plus, rules are rules. and they can't possibly defy the game on my birthday." kevin decided younghoon was one stubborn brat.

"only if kevin is alright with this, i don't want to ruin what we have right now", jacob chirped in, looking towards his fellow canadian for an answer. " uh, the date is fine, i'm not so sure about the other part", he avoided saying 'kiss' because he knew what colour he was going to turn if he said the k-word.

"it can be on the cheek! but we need evidence"

"uh, alright"


sunday morning was a little rainy (sunday morning rain is falling~ stan joshua hong). it was just a drizzle when jacob left the dorm, but he was sure it would become stronger later, so he brought along his umbrella for good measure. it was the day where he would be going on a date with kevin.

they agreed to keep it simple and hang out at a cafe nearby. jacob was given the duty to pick up kevin, and then they would head over to the cafe. he hauled a taxi, and told him the location of kevin's apartment. once he reached, jacob fished out his phone to tell kevin he was here. but then after giving it little thought, he paid the cabbie and got out. he decided to pick up kevin right from his doorstep.

two minutes later, he was right in front of kevin's door. he raised his hand to knock, but the door opened at that exact moment. kevin and jacob had a few moments of eye contact, and when kevin's gaze went to his hand, jacob realized it still awkwardly hung mid air. he opened his fist as to wave his hand, and smiled bright.

"hi!", jacob exclaimed awkwardly, his voice betraying him and cracking a little. kevin chuckled softly at that. he came out of the apartment and locked it with his keys, which he then stashed in his back pocket.

"soooo, let's go...?", kevin spoke with heavy awkwardness looming the atmosphere. jacob nodded, and turned to get going, but kevin tugged his hand and turned him around, dragging him in the opposite direction. "it's this way, smarty pants!"

jacob flushed a shade of pink which went unnoticed by kevin. the elder's hand was still held by kevin, and as they entered the elevator, a loud thunder was heard. kevin shuddered and pulled jacob closer. he always hated thunder. jacob noticed and placed a hand on kevin's shoulder. "it's fine, just the thunder, i'm right here", jacob assured kevin. he seemed to calm down a little after that. they entered the elevator, awkwardness long forgotten.

as the doors closed, another loud thunder shattered the calmness jacob brought. kevin flinched and clung onto the elder. jacob held kevin close while whispering assuring words into his ear. the younger's breathing became steadier, but was still quite ragged. at that moment, the lights in the lift crackled and went off, the elevator stopped rather abruptly. they had been caught in a power outage.

(a/n I know it's been long, gotta get some motivation T^T I promise the next one will be sooner~ stay safe and happy lovies!)

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