Issue #34: Reanimation's Holiday Issue...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Start from the beginning

Hope looked around in frustration, after Mocuba’s question, “I haven’t seen him, but that doesn’t mean anything. I know he’s around here somewhere.”

Roran growled, “I doubt he was even trying.”

Hope smiled, standing up, “Well you know, this isn’t his kind of thing, that’s why I didn’t care if it was me and Breanna versus you, Mocuba and Seto. Me and Breanna have teamwork on our side in this game.”

Breanna placed her hands on her hips in agreement, “Well that’s true, but what’s Rich Boy off doing then, just standing around? Your boyfriend is pretty boring.” Hope raised her brow, not liking her statement.

Whap…a snowball slapped her in the back of the head, knocking her hat off once more as her eyes widened. 


                Seto stepped around the tree, chuckling as she looked over her shoulder to glare at him. He had on a wool coat like Roran, a black scarf wrapped around his neck.  Her green mittens rubbed the back of her head, picking up her hat. “Son of a—I think that had ice in it! That hurt, you jerk!!” Unable to help myself, I accidentally laughed, knowing most of what Seto had just done had been more out of spite than any attempt to have fun.

                Breanna turned her attention from Seto Kaiba to me, “Just which side are you on!?”

I suppressed a giggle, “Yours.”  I didn’t sound very convincing as I tried to contain another laugh.

Breanna gave an exaggerated harrumph in response, as Seto tucked his hands in his pockets with a closed eyed smile, “You’ll live,” He replied to her as a fistful of snow was pitched at him, smearing white on his black coat. His eyes opened as he stared at her in shock.

Roran chuckled despite himself, a snowball smacking him in the face, “What the hell!!” He growled at Kaiba, “We’re supposed to be on the same side!”

“Then tell me, why were you laughing?”

“Because it was funny!”

Smack!! The snow hit him on the chest as Roran growled again, his electric yellow eyes narrowed, grabbing a fistful of snow, “Oh I see how it is—every man for himself huh!?” the snow hit Seto on the side of the face as the two began an all-out war, pitching snowballs at each other.

One smacked me in the arm, “Hey!” I growled at Seto, “I think that did have ice in it!” I grabbed a snowball and with an evil laugh I pitched it at him, hitting him in the neck. The snowball burst as it connected to its target, spraying snow everywhere.

                He glared at me, throwing a snowball I dodged, and it hit Mocuba in the shoulder, who laughed, grabbing a snowball throwing it at him, but it hit Roran instead.

                “Free for all!!” Breanna cheered, behind me as a snowball landed on the back of the head, the cold snow creeping into my coat and down my back as I shivered.

                Turning I glared, “So much for teamwork,” The sphere of white I had been holding went sailing, hitting Breanna on the shoulder. 

                We all jumped behind a tree, using them to shield us as we aimed our artillery. I laughed, really enjoying myself, this was the most amount of fun I’ve had in a long time. I guess the holidays bring out the best in me.

                A phone chirped, buzzing in my pocket. I paused pulling it out of my blue coat. I placed my back to the tree, as snowballs splattered the trunk. “Uh…hello?”

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