Issue #48...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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Sorry for the slow update on this chapter...I've gotten distracted with another project I have but now I'm focusing back onto the Reanimation story.

            I gave an evil laugh, the wind whipping through my hair. I zipped down the streets with ease, I realized now why Roran loved his motorcycle so much. This was no motorcycle but I was still having a blast.

            Yugi’s right arm was wrapped tightly to my right side where I didn’t have any stitches, his left hand was clutching the two extra duel disks I had picked up at Kaiba Corp. I might have talked Yugi into letting me drive. Once he showed me how to drive, it was a piece of cake. Just driving the moped really cheered me up, I couldn’t wait to get back to the hospital, to Seto.

          I came to a stop sign and I stopped. Yugi panted heavily in relief, “Don’t you think you’re going a little fast?” He said, I could feel his heart racing behind me.

            “Oh we’re fine, these little mopeds can’t go that fast anyways.” I said, and once the coast was clear I gunned it, the tires squealing as I made a sharp left. Yugi shouted, holding me tighter.


            “I’m never, ever letting you drive again.” Yugi decided, giving me the two duel disks as I got off the black moped. The sun was beating down on us, showing it was about mid-afternoon.  I had been gone about two hours running errands.

            “Oh come on,” I said with a smile, “You’re alive aren’t you?”

            Yugi gave a worried smile, “I guess so. Barely.”

            I ignored that last part. “Well thank you for letting me drive, and helping me get back here sooner.”

            “Sure no problem.” He said calmly. “Listen I will be back here tomorrow morning. Let me know if Bakura shows up, you shouldn’t have to go at this with everyone else being in such bad shape.”

            “Okay.” I agreed, part of me actually accepting his help.

            He smiled and drove away, the moped going at a much slower pace. People wandered the streets, a couple of boys wearing duel disks paused near me, “Hey, isn’t that the King of Games?” The one said to the other.

            “I think so,” The one retorted, making the other’s eyes widen.

            “Dude! Why didn’t you tell me sooner!? I would have asked for his autograph!” I smiled, listening to the two bicker as I walked back into the hospital, across the clean tiled floors.

            Part of me was accepting Yugi’s help because he was the King of Games, but I wondered if that would make a difference in fighting Bakura this time.

            I shuddered remembering his twisted voice…. . Do you know how long I’ve been trying to get my hands on Blue Eyes Power? For the longest time I thought it was in those cards…I was wrong, power lays in no game. In fact, power, true power lays behind you….I remember his dark eyes meeting mine, and a shiver passing between us. It felt like he knew something I didn’t.

            Seto’s eyes opened, looking carefully around the room, his eyes widened as he remembered. “Hope!” He lurched upwards in his bed, wincing in pain as his shoulder burned. He hadn’t been able to keep him away from her.

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