[PART THREE] Issue #36...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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Authors Note: Sorry for the slow updates, but I decided to rewrite the beginning for Part Three and make it better. :)  As always I hope you enjoy it.


          My life sometimes seems like a hopeless chaos, soon as one terrible thing would end…another seemed to begin. At first I had thought that cycle had broken…that the evil I had defeated was gone forever…but I was wrong.

….ribs shattered

                        …and blood scattered

…fang’s bared

…clocks tick




                        …the end had begun…

I was very wrong….

[Part Three…]

            Footsteps fell across the hall floors. Books were clasped tightly in my hands as I continued to walk towards my destination.  The halls were filled with chatter, as I wandered around students, each of us dressed in regular clothes.

Being here…being home. This was a place where it was not formal. We all had guidelines to follow, but this was a small community, where everyone knew everybody’s name, or at least recognized a face in the crowds.

After coming back here from helping Seto and Roran defeat Kya, it was appropriate to say I had been happy they had come back with me. Roran was my friend, though I didn't always like to admit it, and to me Seto was much more. I couldn’t explain how much I cared for him since he had chosen to live both lives, rather than making me choose his world or mine. He was successfully accomplishing both, though to me how he could manage it was surprising, I could barely manage high school.

I brushed by someone, heading towards my locker. It was in between my math and writing classes, due to our finals near to the end, we were given a paper to write rather than my final exam.  I wish I could say with confidence my paper was an A, but I’ve had my share of doubts and distractions lately, I was grateful it was only a rough draft they expected today.

            About two weeks ago it had started. Perhaps it was the paranoia, perhaps it was the fact that I’ve spent the last couple of years fighting for my life, but I’ve been having vivid dreams and memories once more, just like I had before I had met Seto the first time. I wish I could say the vivid nightmares were worse than the memories but that was not always the case. Each and every time in my dream I lose someone, and I worry if it’s some type of warning.

            I suppose it was appropriate I was haunted by my own demon’s considering I’ve got so much blood on my hands. My scars upon my back are merely marks left of the past, reminders of how lucky I am to be alive, even if being alive means writing a six page research paper.

            As I approached my locker, I was greeted by a blonde; a long black trench coat sweeping at his feet, and his intimidating yellow eyes meeting my gaze. He may sound mysterious, but frankly I found him annoying as hell at times. Mostly because of his twisted sense of humor—plus half the time his head was in the gutter. His personality had lightened up significantly since he moved here with us, and I suppose I would rather have him happy like the rest of us than serious and fighting for his life all the time.

Reanimation...a Yugioh Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora