Issue #10...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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OKAY EVERYONE PLEASE READ...there is going to be a duel during this chapter, please cut me some slack if I mess up on some of the rules because either way I was trying to make the end result the same. FOR ALL the people groaning that I'm having a duel, No worries, because the duels are relatively short and get to the point...unlike this author's note.  lol I totally feel your empathy and wouldn't want to spend the next twenty pages reading...or writing...about the complicated game of Duel Monsters. I think we can all agree that we enjoy Yugioh, and the game is pretty awesome, I'm just very rusty on all the game rules and what not, so just humor me and pretend that I know what I'm talking about when they're dueling. :D


        I glared through the basement window, my eyes  filled with rage as I saw him torture Yugi—electrocuting him to make him vulnerable—make him weak. I couldn't help but feel the hot boiling rage take over. I looked away and caught Seto's gaze. He glanced at him and the figure before backing away from the window as I had.

          "We have to keep going—" He persisted, whispering soft enough to where even I had troubles comprehending him at first. I nodded to him; my ear flicking as I heard Roran chuckle softly from inside the building.

 I restrained a snarl thinking to myself....This is a trap—but we still can't be caught; we still have the element of surprise—no matter how small that advantage was since he knows I was coming sooner or later....

I guess a little bit of surprise was better than nothing...I glanced and Seto Kaiba and knew we needed a way in...we couldn't just bust in there without a very small plan.

We had concluded when we were at Yugi's we needed a weapon besides a duel disk—or me. I was worried enough about being attacked before Kaiba had forced me to recall that little incident where he was shot—then I almost ended up being shot as well. Good times...

 We didn't care what the weapon was—personally I'd have preferred having no weapon that would kill people...but Kaiba told me if I was uncomfortable with this I could always just torture every person we would encounter. I hastily accepted the weapon idea unhappily.

We snuck around the corner quietly. I smelled three people up ahead so I paused against a garbage can and crouched—my feet braced ready to launch. Seto sank silently next to me as I whispered very softly into his ear. He nodded to me in response.

Don't hurt yourself again; I wished silently for him as he snuck away from me and back the way we had came. I knew how many guys were there—now I had to play my part.

 The three were talking amongst themselves.

 "When is our next break?" the guy said with agitation.

 "When the next group of guards show up; you idiot." A guy said. One sat there flicking his lighter on and off in irritation.

 Seto jumped off the small one story roof and down on the one who had been complaining about the breaks. There was a loud crash and I heard commotion around them. I had to keep them quiet otherwise they would easily catch Roran's ears. I jumped out and tackled the one who had been originally yelling I felt his gun fly out of his hand and fall harmlessly to the ground when I slammed his head into the wall, knocking him out cold. Seto Kaiba had taken down two of them easily.

          "Nice; I guess your brother was right—you can defend yourself easily;" I said glancing at him with a sly smile—leaning against the wall in human form.

         "There's only one gun," Seto said in frustration, he clicked the gun checking it for a cartridge. "Don't use this unless you have to..." I said looking at him and he briefly nodded in understanding.

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