chapter eight.

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Marley's POV:

I had never opened up about Lincoln's death to anyone before. It's not like I really had anyone to talk to about it back in New York anways.  We had only been living there 7 months when the crash happened, and after that I completely secluded myself from everyone at school. Anyone I had started to become friends with at school, I quickly pushed away. I was perfectly content with being a loner until I graduated.

But for whatever reason, I felt like I could tell Wes about it. The fact that I had only known him for a few days meant absolutely nothing to me. He's the one person I feel like I could trust my entire life with, one of my only real friends. And here he was, holding my hands in his, asking about that god damn awful day. I looked at Wes, taking a deep breath and started from the beginning.

"Just 7 months after moving to the city, my brother and I were driving to Serendipity to get some frozen hot chocolate. I had been craving it all day, and the second he got home from work I begged him to go with me. On our way back home, it started to rain really hard...." My voice cracked and I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Wes pulled a tissue out of the tissue box on my nightstand and wiped my eyes. He half-smiled at me and squeezed my hands. "It's okay Mar." I regained my composure and continued telling him, "It was raining really, really hard and the roads were slippery. When Lincoln was making a right turn, the car tires lost traction and we slid into the street sign on the corner. Lincoln died on impact." The tears were now freely flowing down my face. Wes pulled me into a hug and just held my while I sobbed into the crook of his neck. After I had calmed down, I sat up and looked at Wes. "Sorry..... I feel like such a mess right now. You probably think I'm crazy." He chuckled and tucked my hair behind my ears. "It's just..... I've never talked about this before. With anyone. Not really even my parents. And I've always felt so guilty about the whole thing... If I hadn't been so selfish and begged him to take me......" Wes sternly grabbed me by the shoulders. "Marley Miles. This in NO way is your fault. It was a freak accident. Don't ever say that again, or let yourself believe that okay? You shouldn't feel guilty at all, it wasn't your fault." I rested my head on his shoulder and put my arms around his waist. "Thank you Wes... Seriously. I don't know what I would do without you. You're one of my only friends and I just feel like I've known you my whole life. You're always here to listen and always know what to say." I could feel his cheeks go upwards into a smile. We stayed like that; with me in his lap, resting my head on his shoulder and him with his arms wrapped around me, mindlessly drawing little patterns on my back, for quite some time. It felt good to finally have someone in my life.

Wesley's POV:

I had felt bad about asking Marley to tell me what happend to Lincoln. But I wanted to be there for her, to be someone she could talk to about this kind of stuff. After she finally got the story out, I realized how badly she needed to tell someone. She didn't have anyone to talk to until now, and I knew how important it was that I was there for her. After she had settled down, I told her to put some shoes on and that we were going to go out for the day. She looked at me quizzically, but did as she was told. 

We got into my car and made a pit stop at Starbucks. I ordered Marley's favorite drink, earning a kiss from her. "Man, I should buy you Starbucks more often." I wiggled my eyebrows and looked at her seductively. She just rolled her eyes and sipped on the latte. "So are you going to tell me where we're going or...?" I just winked and put the car into drive, pulling onto the freeway. After about 40 minutes of driving, we passed the LA exit sign and I changed lanes, ready to get off. "We're going to LA? For what?" Marley looked confused as ever. She was cute when she was confused, her eyebrows were knit together as every possible thought was running through her head. Her expression changed almost instantly and she looked at me with this seductive look in her eyes. I just laughed, "What?" She turned her body so she was completely facing me, and scooted in really close. She leaned in and put her lips to my ear. I could feel her hot breath on my neck, it sent shivers down my spine. She began kissing a trail down my neck, by now she was practically in the drivers seat. It was freaking hard to concentrate on the road with her being right there. I couldn't take it anymore, so I caved and told her what we were doing. "Okay, okay, okay! You got the apartment by the beach! The real estate agent called while you were in the shower." She instantly pulled back and shrieked in excitement. "Are you serious?! Oh my gosh!! Ahh!! Why didn't you tell me before now?!" She hit my arm and I was just laughing at her reaction. "Wait.. if I got the apartment, why are we going to Los Angeles.....?" I pulled into a parking garage and handed the guy 5 bucks to park. "Well, you obviously don't have any furniture or anything to put in your place, right? So my uncle owns this sick furniture store here in the city and is gonna give you a killer discount, because you know yours truly." I did a little bow as I stepped out of the car. She giggled and ran over to me, jumping into my arms and wrapping her legs around my waist. "Wesley this is the best day ever!!" She leaned down and kissed my lips. I kissed her back, not wanting to stop. Her mouth opened slightly and I stuck my tongue in, deepening the kiss. I backed her up against my car, and she slid off my waist putting her feet on the ground. My hands were going up the back of her shirt and she was holding onto my hair. A car horn beeped and we broke apart. She giggled, "I forgot we were in a parking garage for a minute there.." She pecked my lips and grabbed my hand, leading me outside. This girl was making me go crazy. 

Marley's POV:

Wes opened the door and I walked in. This place was absolutely incredible and huge. He lead me to the back counter where a blonde was working the cash register. She looked up and screamed when she saw Wes. "WES! Oh my gosh! I didn't know you were coming in today!" She hopped over the counter and gave him a hug. He laughed and let go of my hand to hug her back. A pang of jealousy shot through me. Who the heck was the girl? I thought this was his uncles store? "Hey girl! We're here to shop for some furniture for Marley!" He gestured to me, "Marley! This is Brooke, my sister. She moved to LA a few years ago, and we hardly ever see each other." Oh. His sister. Duh. I felt stupid for being so jealous, I was being such a girl! "Hey Marley, it's awesome to finally put a face to the name. My little bro here never stops talking about you." She pulled me into a hug. "You're so much prettier than Wes let on! How'd you get stuck with someone like him?" Brooke and I laughed while Wes just sat there, glaring at Brooke. "It's good to meet you too Brooke! So you work here?" She smiled, "Yeah, it earns me a little extra spending money, for ya know, shopping and stuff." She winked at me. "I'll go grab Uncle Mike while you guys look around!" And with that she was gone, leaving Wes and I alone.

"Sorry she's kind of crazy sometimes, but we haven't seen each other in at least a month." He grabbed my hand again and we started to browse through the couch section. "So you talk about me aaaaaaall the time?" I said in Brooke's voice and Wes blushed, pushing me down onto the couch. "Shut up.." I laughed and he held his hand out to help me up. I kissed him, whispering "Don't worry, I think it's kinda cute." I walked away, leaving him hanging and skipped over to a couch. "I like this one!" He shook his head, chuckling and walked over.

After a few hours of shopping, I finally picked out some furniture I liked, paid and Wes' uncle said they would have a truck bring it to the apartment tomorrow. We said goodbye and went out to eat. We walked hand in hand down the streets of LA making fun of each other and laughing too much. I can honestly say I'm the happiest girl in the world.

--over 2,00 reads?? you guys are incredible!!! i love you so much (: keep the commenting and voting up. and let me know if you guys have any ideas? i'll be needing more things to write about, and i'm taking requests. so comment or message me. xoxo

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