chapter sixteen.

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Marley's POV: 

"Fly safe you two, we'll see you in about a week hopefully when the will is settled. Love you!" My grandparents were dropping Wes and I off at the airport; it was two days after the funeral. They were staying behind for the reading of my parents will and to figure out what to do with their stuff and apartment. I hugged them both, and we waved goodbye. But my grandparents had something else in mind. My grandma held her arms open wide, "Wes I need a hug too!" He chuckled and went to hug each of them, which made me so happy. This last week he had grown so close to them and my grandparent’s approval meant the world to me, especially with my parents gone. They waved goodbye as we went through security.

We get off the plane and the next thing I know, I'm being tackled to the ground by two screaming boys. "Marleyyyyyy! Wes! YOU'RE HOME!!" I'm giggling hysterically as Drew pulls me up off the ground into a bear hug. "I missed you guys too!" I pull Keaton and Wes in and we have a big group hug. "So how was the trip?" Wes and I talked about New York, the funeral and everything else as we picked up our luggage and got in the car. "So we got a call from one if the X Factor producers." Drew glanced back at us through the rear view mirror. "They said boot camp is in three weeks in LA. So we need we figure out what we're singing and practice." The rest of the car ride consisted of the boys discussing song options and talking about the show. I rested my head on Wesley's shoulder and just listened. I was really excited for the boys, this was all they wanted to do in life; play music and share it with the world. But I really was going to miss them if they made it to the live shows. Who am I kidding, of course they're gonna make it. They're incredible. It was just gonna suck cause they'd be gone; I'd hardly ever get to see them. I was just so used to being with Wes every single day and night. "Hey we're home... You okay?" I didn't realize we had pulled up to the Stromberg's. Wes was looking at me, concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry I just kinda zoned out." He squeezed my shoulder then got out of the car putting his arms in the air, spinning around. "It's so good to be HOME!"

We walked into the house and it smelled delish. Laraine was in the kitchen cooking us dinner. She rushed over when she saw us walk in. "Oh it's so good to have you guys home!" She wrapped us both in a hug. "Mommmmmmm." Wes squirmed around. She pulled back and rolled her eyes as he walked over to the refrigerator. Laraine looked back at me and grabbed my shoulders. "How are you dear?" I smiled up at her, "I'm okay. Definitely better than I was the last time you saw me." She laughed and pulled me back in for a hug. "Well I'm glad you're okay. Everything is going to be better with time. But just remember, I'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to or whatever. Okay? I love having you around the house, I think of you as my daughter. We honestly consider you part of the family, I hope you know that. Wes couldn't have found a better girl than you." We pulled back and I couldn't help but smile. "Laraine, you have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you!' I kissed her cheek, "Do you need help with anything for dinner?"

Wesley's POV:

The relationship between my mom and Marley had was incredible. I seriously couldn't believe how well they got along. Any other girl I had gone out with my mom never really approved of. But Marley was different. She was a good girl; she was polite, humble, smart, friendly, funny and beautiful. Hell, she was fuckin' perfect! I really don't know what I did to deserve her, but whatever it was, it must have been pretty spectacular. I leaned against the counter and watched her and my mom talk. A few minutes later she and my headed into the kitchen. She smiled at me and opened up the cupboard above the sink, grabbing a stack of plates out. I walked over to her, taking the plates from her. "Go sit down, I'll set the table." She smirked and grabbed the plates back. "No, you go sit down. I want to set the table." I leaned in and kissed her, taking her by surprise. I grabbed the plates from her hands, and broke away, running to the table. "I win!" She giggled and came after me. I felt her arms wrap around me from behind. "You cheated." I laughed and turned around so I was facing her. "Yeah, but I don't like to lose." I leaned down and kissed her again. "Seriously you two? We're about to eat. I don't want your cooties all over my food." She giggled against my lips and pulled back, making her way over to Drew. "Sorry Drew bear, it won't happen again." He laughed and gave her a hug. "You're lucky I like you." He ruffled her hair and she giggled. My mom brought dinner over to the table, "Okay guys, time to eat."

It was about 9:00 and we had just finished watching a movie as a family. "You wanna head over to your place?" It had been a long day, I was exhausted and I'm sure Marley was too. She nodded her head, and we said our goodbyes. We got into the car and I pulled out of the driveway, then taking her hand, intertwining our fingers. She looked over at me and smiled. "I love you family, I really do. They've been nothing but good to me. I mean, you're mom's incredible. You're so lucky to have them." I glanced over at her and I could tell she was getting a bit choked up. We pulled up to a stoplight and I took her face in my right hand. "They love you too, babe. They're you're family too now. My mom seriously thinks the world of you. She loves having you over, she told me you remind her a lot of Brooke so it's nice having you over at the house since Brooke is gone." She grinned. "Really?" I leaned over and pecked her lips. "Really."

We got into her apartment and unpacked her stuff. She went into the bathroom to change and brush her teeth. While she was in there, I quickly took my clothes off and pulled a pair of sweats on. When she came out she was in one of my shirts, damn did she look good. "Did you steal that shirt from me?" She blushed, "It's my favorite shirt of yours. And I wanted to have something of yours for when you guys leave." Her voice trailed off and she looked at the ground. I got off the bed and held her face in my hands. "It's gonna be okay Mar. We still have three weeks, and I'll come home as much as possible." She smiled and nodded her head. "I know, it's just gonna suck. I wish these three weeks could last forever." She stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around my neck and our lips crashed together. Her lips were soft and warm, I ran my tongue along them begging for entrance. Her lips parted and I went in, deepening the kiss. She jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist and my hands ran down her back holding onto her. Without breaking the kiss, I walked us over to the bed, bending over so Marley was on the bed. I crawled on top of her, pulling back for a breath. I started kissing her jawline and down her neck. Her hands were running through my hair, and down my bare back. I sucked on the soft spot on her neck, a moan escaping her lips. I smiled, knowing she was enjoying this as much as I was. She rolled us over so she was on top. Damn, I love when she takes control. Her lips made their way across my jawline, down my neck, and down my chest. Her hands were rubbing my biceps as she kissed my abs, making her way down lower. This time it was my turn to moan. She stopped just above the waistline of my pants before coming back up, meeting her lips with mine. I tugged at the hemline of her shirt and we broke apart quickly so I could pull it off. I rolled us back over so I was on top. Our lips crashed together again, moving perfectly in sync. Her legs wrapped around mine as I moved my hands down her sides. We had never kissed this passionately before, she wanted to take things slow, and I was completely fine with that. I didn't want to rush anything with Marley. She was the girl for me and I didn't want anything to ruin that. We broke apart after a few minutes, gasping for air. I rested my head in the crook of her neck, kissing it lightly. I rolled off of her, onto my side. She did the same and pecked my lips lightly. I looked into her big, brown eyes, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" She giggled and nestled her head against my chest. "I love you too Wesley." I fell asleep with a smile plastered to my face.

--thanks for all the love! i can't say it enough--you guys are the best readers ever (: you guys make it worth writing this thing! let me know if you have any feedback, good or bad. it helps a lot! i hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. i'm gonna be spending my night watching the 49ers/packers game. go niners!! (: 

remember to vote, vote, vote!! xoxo

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