chapter ten.

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--hey lovers! sorry about the wait, it's been a busy week for me! i've gotten a few requests to do outfits, so i'm going to start doing that. my account on polyvore is just allikabob55 (: the link for marley's outfit in this chapter should be on the side. if not, here it is: ( i probably won't update again until after new years, unless i get totally bored. this chapter is dedicated to Emblem3ilvu --hopefully you didn't die waiting!! (;

keep up the commenting, voting and reading! you guys are the best!!! hope you all have wonderful holidays xoxo

Marley's POV:

We pulled up to the boardwalk, there were so many people walking around. It was Huntington's Summer Annual Boardwalk Carnival. It had been years since I'd been to this thing. I loved coming as a kid, it was always so much fun. I mean come on, a carnival on the beach. What's better than that? I started to open my car door when Wes grabbed my arm. "Wait! I have to open your door for you! We're on an official date here, I have to be a gentleman!" He jumped out of the car and ran over to my side. He opened my door and held his hand out for me. I grabbed it, stepping out of Wes' car and he bowed. "Welcome to the carnival my lady." I giggled and he squeezed my hand, intertwining our fingers and lead the way towards the boardwalk.

At the entrance, Wes and Keaton paid for tickets and we all got our hands stamped. Taking my hand again, Wes looked around at Dania, Keaton and I. "What ride do you guys wanna go on first?" I looked around at the numerous rides. " about the tilt-a-whirl? I only like that ride cause it's in She's the Man...." Dania eyes widened in excitement, "Oh my gosh!!! That's my favorite movie ever!" We started going off about our favorite parts until Wes interrupted us, "Oh hell. Cut the chitchat! Let's go already!"  He took off towards the ride, pulling me behind him. We rode ride after ride for hours. I'd never had so much fun at a carnival before. Being with Wes, Keaton and Dania made me feel like letting go of all my cares and just being myself. I hadn't had real friends in years. I forgot what it was like to have someone you can screw around with and just have fun, someone you can talk to about anything without any judgments. I could get used to this. 

We were sitting at a table eating hot dogs, when Wes looked at me wide-eyed and a childish grin plastered on his face. "What's your deal?" I laughed. He jumped up and grabbed my hand, pulling me up from the bench, jogging down the boardwalk. "We haven't gone on my favorite ride yet! The Ferris Wheel!" I stopped in my tracks, and my stomach dropped. I hated the Ferris wheel; I was absolutely terrified of heights. Like, I couldn't even stand on top of a table without feeling freaked out. Just thinking about sitting on a bench that MOVES, with only a single bar to protect you from falling out, hundreds of feet in the air made my stomach lurch. Wes looked at me confused. "What's your deal? Lets goooooooo!" I just shook my head. "No way Jose. I am NOT going on the Ferris Wheel." I started walking back towards Keaton and Dania, who were totally making out on the table. Uh okay..PDA much? "Mar!" He ran after me and stood in front of me, cutting me off. "What's wrong? Why not??" I looked down at the ground. I felt dumb admitting it, I didn't want to sound like such a girl. "I'm scared of heights."  He lightly chuckled. His placed his fingers underneath my chin, lifting my head so I was looking at him. "Hey hey hey. It's okay! I'm gonna be right there next to you!" I sighed. "No Wes, you don't get it. I literally can't handle being up high. It scares me so bad. I'd rather go swimming with sharks or anything else rather than go on a Ferris wheel." He just looked at me with puppy dog eyes and pulled me into his chest. I reluctantly put my arms around his waist as he rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel his breath on my neck and it made my hair stand on end. He whispered in my ear, "Marley Miles. Please? For me? I won't let anything happen to you." His voice was so seductive and sexy. Ugh. Why did he have to be so hot? I wanted more than anything to go with him just because he was telling me to. But then again, I didn't want to go up on that fucking Ferris wheel. Wes started nibbling on my neck and leaving a trail of kisses on my jawline. When he finally reached my lips, he sat there, just centimeters away and looked me in the eyes. "Please go with me?" How the hell was I supposed to say no to him? I mean seriously though. Damn. "Okay fine you bastard." A grin spread across his lips and he shouted hooray. Then his lips crashed into mine. "I love you so much right now Marley!" He shot his fist into the air and took off towards the Ferris wheel.

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