chapter twenty-two.

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Marley's POV:

It was about 2 in the morning when my body finally decided I'd had enough dancing, drinking and partying for one night. Wes and I headed out of the lobby and out to his car. We got in and Wes pulled his phone out, dialing Keaton's number, "Hey dude, we should probably go since we have to take the girls to Huntington and then drive back.  Are you and Dania good to go? Okay cool, yeah we're just out front. Make sure you find Drew too." It took all of thirty seconds for the three of them to find us and pile into the car. Wes started the car and started to drive towards the freeway. "That party was so sick!" I glanced back at Keaton who had a goofy smile plastered to his face, with Dania falling asleep on his shoulder. "You tired D?" Keaton and I laughed. She yawned, "Exhausted. I'm gonna sleep, wake me up when we're home." Keaton kissed the top of her head and she closed her eyes. The mention of sleep made me realize just how tired I really was. Wes reached over and grabbed my hand, stroking it with his thumb. I smiled at him before leaning my head against the window, closing my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

I woke up in my bed, the sun blaring through my windows causing me to squint. I sat up and instantly regretted it, my head was pounding. I ran to the bathroom, making it to the toilet in time, just before puking my guts out. Ugh. I rinsed my mouth out, brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I splashed my face with some cold water and wandered back into my bedroom. There was a note on my bedside and I immediately recognized the scribbled handwriting as Wesley's. 

Hey baby girl-

Hopefully you're not too hung-over, you passed out in the car.

Didn't even wake up when I brought you inside (:

Thanks for coming last night, it meant the world to me.. I'll

see you tonight, can't wait.

Love always,

Wesley Trent Stromberg

 A smile broke across my face. I set the note back down and grabbed my phone, shooting Wes a text:

       --Marley Miles:

       Thanks for last night babe, love you so much! Can wait to see you tonight!

Glancing at the clock, I saw it was already 11:30. I felt disgusting. A good run and shower would make me feel a bit better, so I changed into a sports bra, shorts and my running shoes, heading out the door. I was about a mile from my house when I was starting to feel worn out, so I turned around and headed back. As I neared my apartment, I noticed a girl with long blonde hair leaning against the wall a few apartments down from me. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put a finger on it. She looked up and saw me looking at her, immediately jumping up and walking the other direction as quickly as she could. That's weird, I thought. I shrugged it off, opened the sliding door and headed to my bathroom for a nice, long, cool shower.

I quickly did my hair and makeup, then made my way to my closet to find something to wear for the elimination show. I decided on some black skinnies, a simple bright pink tank, some black and gold flats, and minimal jewelry. As I was putting my earrings in, my phone vibrated. I reached over and saw Wesley's name on my screen.

   --Wesley Stromberg:

      Of course, how do you feel? When are you guys coming? I'm so bored.. hahah 

   --Marley Miles:

      Much better after throwing up, going on a run and a shower (; I think Brooke wants to go at 3.

   --Wesley Stromberg:

      So I have to wait another hour to see you?? You just need your own damn car so you can come see     me whenever you want (; 

Indigo--Emblem3/Wesley Stromberg Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें