chapter three.

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Marley's POV:

I gave Wes my number, said goodbye to him and Drew, then headed home to shower and get ready for the bonfire. I couldn't believe my luck. Just hours after landing in California, I met two of the most gorgeous boys ever. And they wanted to hang out with me. I love my life! I ran inside the house and found grandma and grandpa on the couch watching a movie. I told them I met some friends and was going to be going out for the night. 

I quickly showered and blow dryed my hair. I went into my bedroom to find something to wear. Shit. I still haven't unpacked so i have no idea where any of my clothes are. I end up just dumping out all my bags and rumaging through the piles of clothes. I finally settle on a pair of black shorts, a salmon tank and an off-white hoodie. As I'm putting on some make up, my phone vibrates.

   --Wesley Stromberg

     Hey I'll come get you in 10 :)

I smiled like an idiot when I read his name on my screen. What is my deal? I met this kid an hour ago and I'm acting like a 14 year old girl. I reply to his text, then brush my teeth. I start to fold the clothes that are strewn all over my bedroom when the doorbell rings. I hear the door open and my grandpa inviting someone in. "Marley! Your friend is here!" I throw some black flip flops on, grab my phone and head out to the front room. Wes is standing in the doorway talking to my grandpa. My heart starts pounding, he looks so good. He's wearing a black snapback backwards, a red zip up hoodie and black shorts. When he sees me his eyes instantly light up and he flashes that grin of his. I die inside. "Mar, your grandpa is one cool dude. And his car is siiiiick!" My grandpa laughs and looks at me. "I told Wes you could take a cruise sometime." Thats totally fine by me. "Yeah I'd love to!" Wes laughs. "You ready to go? You look great." I feel my cheeks getting warm. I'm blushing like crazy, so I turn away to give grandpa a kiss on the cheek and tell him I'll be back later. 

Wesley's POV:

I walked up to Marley's door and knocked. An older man with bright white hair answered the door. He grinned when he saw me. "You must be one of Marley's friend." I nodded and reached my hand out. "Hey, I'm Wes. Nice to meet you!" He shakes my hand and smiles. "Marley! Your friend is here!" I look around their house. It's pretty huge. Definitely bigger than my place. "Sir, I saw your car out front. And I've gotta say it's the dopest car ever." He laughs at my comment, "Call me Norm. And thanks kid. I'm sure if you asked, Mar will take you for a spin in it." He winks. Man I like this guy already. I look down the hallway and see Marley. My heart starts beating a little bit faster when I see her. She's in these short black shorts and a hoodie, with her hair pulled up in ponytail. Damn. "Mar, your grandpa is one cool dude. And his car is siiiick!" Norm laughs and tells Marley she's gonna have to take me out for a ride in the car, and she luckily agrees. 

"You ready to go? You look great." Shit. Why did I just say that? Espeically in front of Norm. Man, I just barely met the guy and he probably already thinks I'm a creep. Marley is blushing hardcore, and tries to hide it by saying goodbye to Norm. He tells us to have fun and be safe, then closes the door. I grab Marley's hand and lead the way towards the beach. 

"So there are probably gonna be loads of people here tonight. It's sort of a summer vacation kick off party. But I can't wait for you to meet everyone." She looks up at me and smiles. "I can't wait either! I'm so glad we met, otherwise I'd probably be watching a movie with Norm and Mary tonight." I bust up laughing. "Well I'm glad we met too Mar." I smile at her and squeeze her hand. "C'mon, I see Drew and Keaton."  A look of confusion washed over Marley's face. I laugh, "Keaton's my little brother."

Marley's POV:

Wes and I made our way over to the group of people he pointed out. I was kinda freaking out inside. For one, Wes was holding my hand. But hey, I wasn't complaining! I was mostly just nervous to meet all of his friends. I'm not the most outgoing person in the world, but for some reason Wes and I just clicked. I felt so comfortable around him. Thinking about this calmed me down a bit. 

Drew saw us walking over and grinned. "Heyyy guys! Marley my main girl! How's is goin?!" He pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair. I laughed, "I'm great!" Wes took my hand again and gestured to the boy standing next to Drew. "Marley, this is Keaton, my little bro." Keaton was cute. He wasn't nearly as muscular as Wesley and Drew, but then again, he looked as if he were a few years younger than Wes and I. He smiled awkwardly and held his hand out. "Hi." I giggled and shook his hand. "Hey Keats, it's good to meet you!" He blushed and muttered something, but I couldn't hear it over the loud music that had just started to play. The party was officially starting.

Wes and Drew were introducing me to a bunch of people, but I couldn't keep up with them all, so I just smiled and nodded. The only two I really remember were these guys, Kenny and Kyle--I guess they were all in a band together or something, and this girl named Nikki that Drew was obviously into. They were super flirty, and Drew was hilarious with all his cheesy pick up lines. I don't know how you could really fall for any of it, but aparently Nikki was. 

"Wanna go for a walk? Watch the sunset?" I looked up to see those big brown eyes were looking down at me. I melted inside. "Yeah, let's go." Wesley grinned, took my hand and we made our way away from the crowd of people. Once we were far enough away, Wes plopped down onto the sand pulling me down next to him. He snaked his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him resting my head on the crook of his neck. He started humming an unfamiliar tune as we were staring out into the horizon. I asked him what song it was. "It's called Indigo, just one of my band's songs. Drew wrote it." "Will you sing it for me?" He looked down at me and smiled, then looked back out to the water. When he opened his mouth the most angelic sound came out. His voice sounded like honey. I didn't think this boy could get any better, but man was I wrong. He was perfect.

When he finished singing, I just sat there looking at him with my mouth wide open. "Wesley..... You're... You're amazing!! Seriously?!" He laughed awkwardly and squeeze my shoulders, muttering a thank you. We sat there on the beach talking for hours. We talked about everything- my life back in NYC, my parents, his band, his life back in Washington before he moved to Huntington a few years ago, and everything in between. He kissed the top of my head, "Hey it's getting late, let me walk you home." 

As we approached the back door, Wes turned to me. "Marley I had an amazing time tonight. You're such a chill girl, I'm really glad we met." His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I'm really glad we met too, Wesley." I started to pull away, but Wes held on even tighter. I giggled when he finally let go of me. He placed his hands lightly on my cheeks and held my face. "Goodnight, Marley." He leaned in and kissed my lips lightly, then walked down the steps, leaving me standing there in complete shock.

When I finally snapped back into reality, I went inside and fell backwards onto my bed, touching my lips. Wesley just kissed me. No. Way. I screamed inside. Today was easily the best day ever, I thought as I crawled into bed smiling and fell asleep.

Indigo--Emblem3/Wesley Stromberg FanficWhere stories live. Discover now