chapter eighteen.

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Marley's POV:

My eyes slowly open, taking in the sunlight streaming from my bedroom window. I roll over and face Wesley, who's still fast asleep. I lightly run my fingers back and forth across his chest. "Baby, wake up." He stirs and grumbles "Five more minutes." I prop myself up on my elbow and kiss the corner of his mouth, leaving a trail of kisses along his jawline. I feel his hands grab my waist and pull me on top of him, so I'm straddling his chest. He smiles, "Mmm...good morning beautiful." His voice is deep and raspy just like it is every other morning. It's beyond sexy. "I knew that'd wake you up." I smirked and started to climb off of him, when his strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back into bed. "Can we please stay in bed a little longer, it's our last morning together for a week." He stuck his bottom lip out and pouted. I smiled and snuggled into his chest. He pulled me in closer and started singing softly in my ear. I closed my eyes, taking this moment in. After he finished singing, we just laid there not speaking. It was nice. That is, until Wesley's phone started to ring. He huffed his breath and rolled over on his back, grabbing his phone off the nightstand. "Hello? Hey man, yeah we're awake. Yeah okay, that works. Kay see you soon. Later." He rolled back over, placing his arm back around me. "The fam wants to go get lunch before we take off, you down?" I kinda just wanted to stay in bed all day until Wes had to leave, but my stomach wanted otherwise. I nodded my head and smiled, "Yeah what time?" "Like an hour and a half." A smirk spread across his lips and before I could ask what was up, he rolled over on top of me, his face just an inch from mine. My heart was racing, this boy never failed to give me butterflies. I could feel his hot breath on my lips, "Which gives us plenty of time to do this." His lips crashed onto mine.

We walked into the restraunt and spotted the boys, Dania, Laraine and Brooke all sitting in the corner table. Keaton waved his arms frantically with a big grin on his face. I laughed, "I love your brother." Wes kissed the top of my head; "You better not leave me for that punk." I smirked, "I might just have to, he's just so damn adorable." He laughed and we walked over to the table. Lunch was nice, it was fun to hang out with everyone and talk. At about 1, Laraine told the boys it was about time for them to hit the road. "You guys have to check in at 3, so we should probably get you out of here so you have time to get settled in the hotel." My heart sunk and Wes grabbed my hand, "C'mon I'll take you home." We stood up and I gave Keaton and Drew hugs and kisses on the cheek, wishing them luck. Dania grabbed my arm, "Hey would you care if I came over? With Keaton gone, I'm not going to have anything to do." I grinned, "Yes! I'd love that. Just have Keats drop you off right now." 

Back at my apartment, Wes was gathering up a few of his things. We walked out to his car hand in hand, I saw Keaton and D hugging a few cars over. He opened up his door, throwing his bag onto the passenger seat. Leaning against the car, he pulled me into his arms. "Don't do anything too crazy while I'm gone." He said with a laugh. I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest. "You guys are gonna do great, I know you're gonna make it through. A smile crept across his lips as he leaned down and placed his lips softly on mine. I parted my lips slightly and he did the same. After a few seconds he pulled back slightly, resting his forehead on mine. "Thanks for believing in us, in me. You really are incredible, you know that?" I smiled and he pecked the tip of my nose. "I love you Wesley." I squeezed him tightly, not wanting to let go. "I love you too, babe." After a few minutes we broke apart, he squeezed my hand, gave me a smile then got into his car. I backed up a few steps, waving to him as he drove away. I sighed, and turned back towards the apartment building. Dania was leaning against my doorway waiting for me. We plopped down on the couch and sighed. "Well now what?" I asked, looking over at her. She laughed, "Well my friend is throwing a party in Newport.. Would you wanna go?" It had been a while since I'd been to a party. "Why not, sounds fun!"

Wesley's POV:

I hated saying goodbye to her. It sucked balls. But at least it was only a week, right? It was really gonna suck if we made it to the live shows and I was gonna be gone all the time. I guess this is what I get for chasing my dreams. I pulled up to the house and Drew and Keaton were already waiting on the porch with our suitcases. After the car was loaded up, we went in to the house to say goodbye to my mom and Brooke. Of course my mom was all emotional and shit as we hugged her goodbye. "I'm so proud of you boys, I know for a fact you're gonna make it to the judges house. I love you guys so much." I pulled her in for a hug and she wiped the tears from her eyes. "C'mon mom, don't cry. I love you!" After hugging my mom and reached my arms out for Brooke. She laughed and walked over to me, squeezing me tightly. "Good luck little bro. I love you! And don't worry, I'll keep Marley company while you're gone." I grinned, "Thanks sis. Love you too!' We piled into the car and waved goodbye as we drove down the street.

"Bros! Here we are in the city of angels, making our dreams a reality!" Drew clapped my back as I pulled into the hotel parking lot. Not gonna lie, the contestants hotel was pretty dope. Our rooms were huge, and we were all on the same floor, which was pretty tight. We unpacked our stuff and flipped on the TV, waiting for check-in time. "It's almost 3, we should probably head down to the ballroom." I yawn and follow Keaton and Drew downstairs. When we walk in, there's already about a hundred people all seated on the floor. The judges are all at the front of the room. We take a seat as Simon begins to speak. "Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to boot camp! We're glad you could all make it. So we're just going to go over the agenda for today and tomorrow." As soon as Simon was finished we were dismissed to rehearse for tomorrow. We practiced for a couple hours then got to hang out with the competition at dinner. There were a lot of boy bands but I wasn't worried about it. "We've got this thing in the bag tomorrow. All the other groups are super lame." Drew nudged me and pointed to a group of boys at the end of the table. "Those dudes remind me of that Vincent guy." The three of us busted up laughing.

Marley's POV:

Dania and I spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for the party. I settled on my favorite pair of patterned jeans, a sheer pink button up and some low black heels. I helped Dania curl her hair while she painted her nails. "Hopefully this week goes by really fast. I already miss Keaton." I nodded my head in agreement, "Oh my gosh I know. I think the last four hours are the longest I've been without Wes in weeks! How pathetic are we?" We laughed hysterically and finished getting ready. It was about a half hour drive to the party so we stopped to get some McDonalds for dinner on the way. 

The party was a total rager, I've never seen so many people packed into one house before. We pushed past the crowds of people and made our way into the kitchen. "Justin!" A tall boy with blonde hair looked over at us and smiled. "Dania! How the hell are ya?" He made his way over to us and pulled Dania into a hug, then looked at me. "Who's your friend?" I smiled and reached my hand out. "I'm Marley. Nice to meet you!" He took my hand and shook it. "You too! Girls, these are some of my pals Drake, Calder and Alex." We introduced ourselves and chatted for a while. I was talking to Justin about New York when he asked me about my necklace. "Oh, my boyfriend gave it to me. It's a W for Wes." His face kind of dropped when I said the word boyfriend. I gave him a smile and he faked one back. "So you have a boyfriend, eh?" This conversation just got so awkward. I nodded my head, "Yeah, he's actually Dania's boyfriend's brother!" His eyes widened. "That Wes? You're with Wes? Wow.." I furrowed my brows in confusion. "He's.." He paused. "Nice." Uh okay? Clearly Justin had a problem with Wes. I just didn't know why. "You don't seem too sure about that. Why's that?" He kind of sighed and looked up at me. "No, it's not a big deal. I'm sure you already know about his past and stuff." His past? Now I was confused. "What are you talking about?"  He squeezed his eyes tight and let out a long breath. “Wes is…. or I guess used to be.... a big player. He'd have different girls every night, and just basically flirt with anyone with legs just to get what he wanted. He's always been like that. He used to be with this girl Jessica, and she had a pregnancy scare. I don't know, Wes has just always seemed like bad news to me. That's why I was surprised when you said you were his girlfriend." I just sat there taking it all in. That couldn't be true, could it? I mean, Wes was such a sweetheart. I could never see him sleeping with a different girl every night and almost getting a girl pregnant...... I mean, we still hadn't even had sex yet. And I'd known him almost two months. Justin had to be lying. I looked Justin in the eyes. "Well that doesn't sound like the Wes I know." I stood up and walked over to where Dania was sitting. She looked up at me, "You okay girl?" I just nodded my head, "Yeah, fine." But that was a lie. What Justin had just told me was eating me up inside.

--OH MY GOSH. this has over 22,000 reads? ahh!! that makes me so happy!! thanks for all your support and love (: keep reading and voting! since it's a long weekend, i'll probably be updating again Sunday or Monday (: 

here's the link for Marley's party outift:

love you all! xoxo

p.s. i'm doing a contest...check out my message board for the deets (:

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