chapter seventeen.

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Marley's POV:

And I'd give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow. Cause sooner or later it's over, I just don't wanna miss you tonight. And I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am. 

I was sitting on the couch downstairs drinking a coffee, the boys were practicing for boot camp which was two days away. It was still hard to believe that they were gonna be leaving tomorrow afternoon. Wes and I literally spent almost every hour of every day together. Even when I had work, he was at the diner too, and while they were rehearsing, I was there. "Alright I'm starving. Lets call it quits for today, I think we're good." Wes plopped down on the couch next to me as Keaton and Drew bounded upstairs for lunch. Wes laid his head on my lap, "So pretty lady, what are your plans for tonight?" He grinned up at me. "Hmmm well I was thinking about just going to bed. I'm really tired." The smile left his face, "Oh..... Okay." I busted up laughing and pushed him playfully. "Wes I'm kidding! It's your last night so obviously I'll be with you!" He sat up and turned to face me. "You're gonna pay for that!" He smirked and pinned me to the couch. "Wes no, please!" He held my hands above my head with one hand and with the other he began tickling my sides. "Wes stoppppppp!!!" I was shrieking with laughter. "No way, I'm having way too much fun!" I finally squirmed away and made a run for it upstairs with Wes hot on my heels. I spotted Drew in the kitchen and dove behind him, hiding. "Drew make Wes leave me aloneeee!" Drew crossed his arms across his chest and stood protectively in front of me. "Bro, stop tickling the poor girl or I'll junk punch you." Wes took a step back, holding his hands up in the air. "Dude chill. You win this time Marley, but just remember that Drew isn't always gonna be here to protect you!" He grinned and hopped up on the counter. Drew turned around and we high-fived, yelling in victory.

I wandered over to Wes and stood in between his legs, placing my hands on his thighs. "So loser, what are we doing tonight?" He grinned at me and took my hands in his. "We have dinner reservations and then I was thinking maybe a romantic walk on the beach?" Dinner and a walk on the beach? Could he be any more perfect? "That sounds amazing. I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him. "Hey lovebirds, lets go to the beach. Have one last surf sesh before we leave?!" Drew head-slapped Wes as he walked out of the kitchen. "C'mon lets goooo!"

The weather could not have been any more perfect. We set out our stuff and I quickly stripped my clothes off, revealing my simple black bikini. I strapped my board to my ankle and ran out to the water leaving the three boys behind. The doctor had finally given me the okay to surf again last week. The second we left the doctors office I made Wes take me to the beach. Since then, I had pretty much been here everyday. I couldn't get enough, I had missed it so much over the last month. My feet hit the water, and it felt like heaven. I paddled out and took the first wave I saw coming. I rode it perfectly and for what felt like a pretty long time. I did a duck dive and came up to find the boys all sitting on their boards, applauding. "Marley that wa so rad!!" Keaton did a little fist pump in the air and I couldn't help but giggle. We surfed for a couple hours until we were all wiped out.

I had just gotten out of the shower and was trying to find something to wear or my date with Wesley tonight. I eventually settled with a grey, flowy tank, some pale pink jeans and studded black heels. I was putting on some jewelry when I heard someone knock on my door. I grabbed my bag off the kitchen table and opened the door. Wes was standing their in black jeans, a gray and white striped tee paired with his favorite snapback. Damn, he looked so good. You'd think old be used to it by now, but I wasn't. I still got all flustered and nervous. I loved it. "Well fuck, you look smokin' Mar." I blushed as he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. "You don't look too bad yourself." I could tell tonight was gonna be a good night.

Wesley's POV:

I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car, knocking on Marley's door. A few seconds later the door opened and Marley was standing there, looking good as ever. It took all I had not to just push her down on the couch and make out with her. I still don't understand how she can look so good all the time, she's literally perfect. "Well fuck, you look smokin' Mar." I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed her waist, pulling her in close to my body and kissed her. "You don't look too bad yourself." She grabbed my hand and we headed out to my car.

We walked along the boardwalk and arrived to the restaurant. I held the door open and we stepped inside as a middle-aged man greeted us. "Hi, we have a reservation for two under the name Stromberg." He looked in his book then led us to a table in the back corner. We sat down, looked over our menus and ordered. I was getting really anxious while we ate. I kept fiddling my hands and putting my hands on pocket making sure the box was still there. "Are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since we got here." Shit, she noticed. "Yeah I'm so totally fine. Like seriously." She raised her eyebrows. "Umm..'so totally fine?' What are you, a 13 year old girl?" She laughed and continued eating her food.  

After we finished eating we headed out to the pier, towards the sand. I put my left arm around her shoulder, keeping my other hand in my pocket, holding into the box. She lifted her left arm up and held onto my hand, lacing out fingers together and put her other arm around my waist. We reached the end of the boardwalk and I stopped walking, breaking apart from Marley. She looked up at me with confusion written all over her face. I took a deep breath, "I know we've only known each other for a month now, but Marley, I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And leaving you this next week is gonna suck balls, so I got you something. I pulled the box out of my pocket and opened up the box, revealing a small silver necklace with a 'W' charm. "Marley, will you officially be my girlfriend?" Her lips broke out into a huge smile and she put her arms around my neck, squeezing me tightly. "I would love nothing more than that!" She pulled back and her lips met mine. We started out slow, but it quickly got heated. An electrical shock shot through my whole body as she kissed me. She pulled back, her face flushed. "Well, are you gonna put the necklace on me or what?" I chuckled as she turned around, lifting her hair. I wrapped it around her neck, fastening the clip. "All done." She faced me again and looked down, holding the charm delicately in her fingers. "W for typical, always thinking of yourself." She winked at me, "I love it. And I love you Wes." She pecked my lips. "I love you more Marley." I took her hand in mine and started walking again. She slipped off her heels, holding them in her other hand and we walked up to the ocean, putting our feet in the cold water. She leaned her head against my shoulder as we walked along the shore. I could honestly say I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

--shortish chapter, i know. i'm sorry! but i figured i'd give you something rather than leave you hanging for a few more days. i plan on updating again on friday, with hopefullyyyyy a long chapter. i just wanna say THANK YOU for all your feedback. you guys are so rad!! keep voting and commenting please!! i love you aaaaaall (: xoxo

p.s. here's the link to Marley's outfit:

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