chapter twenty-five.

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Marley's POV:

"Marley, it's good to see you." It was her. "Jessica. What the hell are you doing here? How'd you find me?" Dania looked at me with fear and confusion in her eyes. She started to pull the car over, but Jessica screamed, "Don't you dare! Keep driving."  Dania laughed, "You can't make me do anything. You need to get the hell out of my car and stay away from Marley." Suddenly Jessica shot up, leaning towards Dania, shoving something against her side. The breath in my throat hitched when I realized what it was. A gun. "Keep driving." Jessica growled. I could see the tears threatening to fall from Dania's eyes, but she blinked them back, keeping her eyes on the road ahead. "Jessica, don't do this." I whispered in fear. It was my turn to have the gun shoved into my side. "Don't fucking tell me what to do, you little bitch. I'm going to end things right now with you. When you're gone, Wes will be all mine. Just like he was supposed to be all along until you came and ruined things." She pointed the gun back at Dania; "Take a right at this light." I slid my phone quietly out of my pocket, trying to make any sudden movements that Jessica would see. I glanced down and clicked on my contacts, searching for Wesley's name desperately. I clicked on his name to call him. I figured if he heard our conversation, he would know to call for help. I heard his voice, muffled underneath my purse. "Jessica, please put the gun away. I'll do whatever you want, just let Dania go and you and I can settle this." She glared at me, "I already told you to shut up once, don't make me do it again you dumb bitch."  I could hear Wesley's quiet voice desperately trying to get me to answer, "Mar? Marley! What's going on?! You're with Jessica? Marley please answer me!" Jessica gestured ahead, "Turn left at this street. We're almost there." I glanced down at my phone to see Wes had texted me just as my whole world went black.

Wesley's POV:

My heart was beating rapidly against my chest. "DREW! KEATON!" The two boys rushed into the bathroom where I was sitting on the floor. Drew looked at me confused, "Dude, what going-" "Marley just called me. I overheard her telling Jessica to put the gun down and let her and Dania go. I don't know what's going on, but the phone call ended after I heard a loud crash and-" I broke down into sobs. Keaton knelt down beside me, pulling me into his arms. I heard Drew say something about calling 911 and going into the bedroom. "Let's get in the car and go. C'mon." Keaton pulled me up, grabbing the car keys his wallet. The car ride was silent, we were all thinking about the endless possibilities of what could have happened. I knew Keaton was just as scared as I was for Dania, but he didn't say anything. Dispatch said that there had been a car wreck they were attending to, and they believed it was the three girls. Traffic on the freeway was bad; it was taking way longer than it should have to get back to Huntington. I slammed my fist against my seat in frustration. "Damn! Why the fuck is there traffic right now? I don't fucking need this right now! I need to see Marley and make sure she's okay!" Drew reached over, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Wes, chill out buddy. We're going to get there, okay? Marley is gonna be just fine." He sounded more like he was trying to convince himself of this, rather than me.

We sat in the hospital waiting room for over two hours. Two hours of pacing back and forth, two hours of holding back tears, two hours of not knowing how the girls were. I gave Marley's grandparents a call to let them know what had happened. They were in New York for a few weeks for Norm's business. I told them I would keep them updated when I found anything else out. I had to get out and go for a walk; I couldn't stand to be in the hospital any longer. It was pouring rain outside, but I didn't care. I walked out into the rain and just started walking. I didn't know where I was going and I honestly didn't care. I was so mad that this had to have happened. I was mad I wasn't there, I was mad that Jessica had found Marley. i was mad about everything. The rain let up and I looked around at my surroundings. I literally had no idea where I was. I decided to turn around and see if I could find my way back when my phone started to ring. It was Drew. "Dude, where are you? They're letting us go in to see the girls!"  Shit. "Bro, I don't know..... I just started walking and didn't stop. Will you come get me?" I looked for a street sign, "I'm on Burlington Street." "Yeah man, I'll be right there."

Marley's POV:

When I woke up, every part of me hurt. I looked around to see I was back in the hospital, I sighed in annoyance. I glanced over to my left to see Dania in a bed next to me. She looked over at me and weakly smiled. "Well tonight's been a good night..." We both cracked up. Then I remembered why we were in the hospital. Jessica. The car crash. It all started coming back to me. When Dania went to turn left, a truck didn't stop at the stop sign and crashed into the car. Wait, Jessica. "D.... Where's Jessica?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea, but I'm just glad to be out of that car with that psychopath." Just then, the door to our room opened and the three people I wanted to see most came barreling in. I locked eyes with Wes, and he rushed to my bedside, gripping my hands in his. "Babe, are you okay? Oh my God I was so worried." I smiled, "I'm fine. Just sore. I'm so glad you answered the phone, we were so scared...." My voice trailed off as I remembered how I felt in the car just a few short hours ago; terrified for mine and Dania's life. Drew spoke up, breaking me out of my thoughts. "So do we know where Jessica is? Cause I'd like to kick the shit out of that little bitch." I couldn't help but laugh. Drew was always all about peace and being kind to one another, so seeing this side of him was a bit odd to say the least. Before anyone could answer, a doctor and nurse walked into the room. "How are you ladies feeling?" He walked us through our injuries, which were luckily all minor; nothing too serious. After explaining we'd be staying after night, I asked the question we were all dying to know. "What happened to Jessica?" The nurse looked down at her feet, avoiding eye contact. The doctor shuffled awkwardly before saying anything, "Well, I'm sorry to say that she's gone.... She died on impact."

--hey dolls! sorry i took forever to update... i always forget how crazy end of semester is. especially spring semester! ughhhh i hate finals :( hahah oh well... summer vacation in two weeks so i can't complain!!!!

hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. i'm not really in love with it...i wrote it about a few days ago, but wattpad is gay and deleted it, so i had to rewrite it. so i'm not super happy with it, but i wanted to get an update for you guys.

aaaaand.. Indigo finally hit 100,000 reads! AHH! i love you guys, you're the best!!!!! (: (: i'm seriously so pumped about this.

anyways...... let me know what you think!!!! i LOVE comments from you guys, i don't think i can stress that enough... so pleeeease comment! i love you guys!! xoxo

p.s. check out my harry styles fanfic i started, it would mean the world to me (:

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