chapter nine.

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Marley's POV:

 After we ate, we headed back to Huntington and Wes dropped me off at my grandparents. He had band practice, but said he would call me after. I kissed him goodbye, then headed inside. I shut the front door and walked into the living room. My grandparents were sitting together on the couch, watching the 6 o'clock news. They looked up at me as I stepped into the room. "Hey Mar girl, how was your day?" I couldn't wait to tell them the news about my apartment. "I got the North Beach Apartment!!" My grandma stood up and hugged me. "Marley that's amazing! When do you get to move in? Do we need to go shopping?" I told them about Wesley's uncle, and that they'd be delivering the furniture tomorrow around 2. "I'm gonna go down to the real estate office right now to sign off on some papers and stuff, then I'll be back. Love you!" I grabbed my purse and headed out. I decided to take the bus because I was sick of being in the car. 

When I arrived at the office, my real estate agent smiled warmly at me. "Hi Marley, I'm so glad you could come in on such short notice. There are just a few papers we need you to sign and initial." We went over all the details, she handed me a key and congratulated me. On my way home, I spotted a little diner and decided to get a milkshake in celebration. I sat down at the bar and a girl walked over with a pad of paper in hand. "Hey how's it going? What can we get for you today?" She was really cute; she looked about Keaton's age. "I'll just get a chocolate milkshake please!" A few minutes later she came back with my shake and gave me a funny look. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound creepy or anything, but you look so familiar to me! What's your name?" I seriously doubted she knew me, I mean I just BARELY moved here. The only people I know are Wes, Keats and Drew. "Um.. I’m Marley. But I just moved..." She cut me off, "Marley! That's right! You and Wes are like..... a thing?" The hell? How did this girl know me? And nonetheless, about Wes and me? "We're not anything... Well.... Like... I don't know. Sorry, but how do you know who I am?" She laughed and stuck her hand out. "I'm Dania." I shook her hand and waited for an explanation. "Keaton and I are kinda together, and I hear Wes talking about you ALL the time." We both laughed, "I seem to hear that about Wes from everyone." I rolled my eyes, she laughed again. "Well I can see why he's crazy about you, you're gorgeous!!" I blushed, "Have you looked in the mirror sweets?" I took a sip of my milkshake, and Dania looked at my arm. "Why's your arm in a sling?" I told her the story and we chatted for a while until my phone rang, it was Wes. "Speak of the devil...." Dania giggled as I answered the phone, "Wesley!" 

Wesley's POV:

Band practice finished up after only a couple hours, but I found myself thinking about Marley. The whole time. I had just seen her not even two hours ago and I already missed her. What the fuck is wrong with me! On my way home I called Marley, she answered and I could hear giggling in the background. That's weird..Marley never mentioned any girl friends out here in Huntington. "Hey babe, what are you up to?" I heard someone saying to tell me hi. What the hell? I was so confused. "Dania says hi! I'm just with her at the diner on 5th." Dania? That was the last person I was expecting Mar to be with. "Oh tell her I say hey! How do you guys know each other?!" I don't ever remember Dania being with us when we were Keaton. "I just came in to get a milkshake and she figured out who I was and yeah!" What are the chances? "That's tight! Cause Keats wanted us to double with them tonight at the in?" "Of course!!!" I laughed at her enthusiasm. "Sick. I'll pick you up in an hour? I can't wait to see you." She giggled, "I can't wait either. See you sooooooon!" and then hung up the phone. I looked over at Keat in the passenger seat and told him our double date was a go. Keaton did an awkward little victory dance in his seat and I just shook my head and laughed. "Dude, you're so awks. How did you even score a hottie like Dania anyways?" He laughed and punched me in the arm as we pulled into our driveway.

I said hey to my mom and headed up to my room to shower and change my clothes. When I got out of the shower, I saw my phone light up on the bathroom counter. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked across the bathroom to my phone and opened the message.

    --Marley Miles

      Can't wait to see you :)

I couldn't help but smile when I read the text. "Bro. You're such a girl!" I looked up and saw Drew leaning against the doorway laughing his ass off. I just rolled my eyes and threw some clothes on. "Did you and Nikki wanna come to the carni with Mar, Keats, Dania and I? We're leaving in like half an hour." Drew shook his head, "Nahhh. I haven't seen Nikki since the bonfire. I think she's hooking up with Jesse Erickson." It didn't even occur to me that I haven't seen Nikki around the last few days. Shows how little I've been paying attention to everyone else. "Shit man, I'm sorry. I didn't realize... Jesse Erickson? Really? He's such a prick!" Jesse was the quarterback on the high school football team and thought he was the hottest shit out there. I wanted to punch him in the face sometimes, he's so damn obnoxious. Drew just shrugged his shoulders. "It's all good man. I wasn't really that into her anyways. I'll just hang out here. Probably do some meditation and maybe go chill with Kyle. Have fun though! Tell Mar I say hi." He held out his fist, I bumped it with my own, and he left my room. I laughed to myself, Drew and his stupid meditation. I finished getting dressed, brushed my teeth, grabbed my favorite snapback and keys and I was out the door.

Marley's POV:

After I hung up with Wes, Dania said she had to finish up cleaning some tables before she could leave. "Two of our waitresses quit the other day, so I've been working major overtime. I'm exhausted." Now that she mentioned it, I noticed the dark circles under her eyes. Then I got an idea. "Hey, is your boss here? I could use a job and I'd totally love to work here!" Her eyes lit up and she ran off to find her manager. A few seconds later Dania came back with an older looking lady. She smiled at me, "So I understand you're in need of a job?" I eagerly nodded my head. I had a lot of savings, so I didn't need the money necessarily, but a little extra spending money would be good! "I used to waitress in New York City for a few years so I have experience!" She smiled at me, "Alright well why don't you come in tomorrow and we can see how you do? Dania here can be your trainer. See you at 10." Dania and I high-fived as she walked away. "Score! Thanks D!" She grinned, "It's my pleasure! Let me go clock out and we can go meet up with the boys!" 

Wes and Keaton said they'd pick us up at D's house, so Dania could change out of her work clothes. We heard a car horn honk as she was putting her shoes on. We ran down the stairs and out the front door. As I approached the car, Wes got out of the drivers seat and held his arms out. I knew I was grinning like an idiot, but I was just so happy to see Wesley. It had only been a few hours but it felt like an eternity! I ran over to him and pulled him in for a kiss. "I'm happy to see you too." He mumbled against my lips. 

The car horn honked and we jumped apart. Keaton had reached over to the horn from the backseat, "Lets go lovebirds! You can make out later!" Wes kissed me again and I giggled as I got into the car.

--sorry it took so long to get this up! i've had a busy last few days with friends birthdays and christmas shopping! thanks for all the guys are the best!!!

i'm dedicating this chapter to daniam, she's playing dania in the story. (: this was kinda just a filler chapter, so sorry that it's so boring! the next will be better, i swear.

xoxo keep reading and voting!

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