20. Fast Track

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The Sato mansion racetrack brought about looky-loos Bolin, Mako, and Tu. They had been working out and took a break to sit alongside Korra in the bleachers and watch Asami and Chai Son race.

Korra kept her eyes on the track, watching Asami and Chai Son go head to head lap after lap, occasionally stopping in the pit for their team to switch out wheels and do touch ups. It was all in preparation for the big race in Ba Sing Se coming up in a few short weeks in which Chai Son would be representing Future Industries.

Asami wouldn't be racing in the main event, but she was damned if she wasn't going to get her kicks ahead of time.

The cars were designed for maximum speed and aesthetics, so not only were they fast, they were also pretty in apple red. Testing the cars out herself, Asami could gauge whether the alignment felt off or if it wasn't getting the most out of its engine. That's when it'd be back to the dyno room, where Korra would occasionally pop in and ogle her, all sweaty and covered in engine grease. Plus, it was fun to show that she could hang with the pros, and she loved showing off for her girlfriend.

Korra, meanwhile, was on the edge of her seat.

"Go baby, go! Kick that blubber butt's butt!"

"You know she can't hear you, right?" Mako said. He was sitting on the other side of Bolin, who sat next to Korra.

"Oh Mako, it's the thought that counts! She's projecting good juju!" Bolin slapped his brother's back.

"We all know Mako is a grumpy old man inside. But we still love you!" Korra stuck her tongue out at her old flame, teasingly.

"Must be weird hearing your ex say she loves you, huh?" Tu nudged Mako's back with his knee.

"Tu!" Mako said. "Quit it!"

He almost forgot his cousin was there. Tu had been sitting quietly behind them in the bleachers watching the show.

"Speaking of love... Bo, what's going on with you and that airbending dame? You know, the one from the place not on the map?" Tu said.

"Sanyu? I don't know what you're talking about," Bolin said.

Korra chimed in: "Tu has a point. I wondered the same thing last time I went to Air Temple Island to train with Tenzin."

"What? We're just pals. She's just... my pal, who's a girl, and silly, and beautiful, and pretty to smell. That's all." Bolin's eyes glazed over but he caught himself. "Besides, I'm still getting over Opal."

"Bro, it's been almost a year. It's time you moved on," Mako said, placing a hand on Bolin's shoulder.

"I know, I know. I just... don't know. I guess I'm realizing slowly that we were never really right for each other. She was always sort of a mystery to me, and no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't connect with what she wanted."

"There you go, Bro."

Korra agreed. She didn't mention Kuvira in the love equation, but at the very least, Opal did the right thing by ending it... even if no one knew where Kuvira was or if they would ever see her again.

Bolin continued, "I mean, I guess I just wanted to have a family and be a dad. I was in love with the idea of love – but it just wasn't right." He slumped down.

A small figure off in distance in the form of Asami's assistant, Daisuke, made her way to the track. She was carrying a clipboard and walked with purpose. Korra noticed Mako's face light up at the sight of her, his eyes following her.

"What about you, Mako? Any love prospects?" Korra said.

Mako blushed.

"Me? Uh, no. I guess I just haven't found the right one yet."

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