19. Office Antics

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Meanwhile in Republic City, the shades were drawn on the top floor of Future Industries tower, the boss's office, to reveal a spectacular view of the shimmering gold and green spirit portal. Most of the city's infrastructure was more or less rebuilt and integrated into nature and the spirit wilds at the epicenter of the city. And life went about business as usual.

If one were to peek through the window of the top floor, they would see the back of Asami Sato's head in an expensive chair behind an even fancier desk in a large office resembling a high-rise cozy apartment. What they would not see were expressions of pleasure on Asami's face from getting head by her girlfriend under the desk; they would not hear moaning and heavy breathing as her core and chest tightened and her toes curled inside of her boots before that ultimate release.

If they looked twice, they might notice the Avatar under the desk with her head shoved between Asami's legs, living to pleasure her in inappropriate times and places, lapping at her wet clit and begging her to scream just a little too loudly, so her secretary and whoever was around could hear.

"Fuck, Korra," Asami huffed, her fingernails digging into her chair. "That feels so fucking good."

Korra loved it when Asami cursed or anytime she talked dirty; she was a lady in the street but could switch on her inner freak at two bats of a long eyelash. Frankly, it was hard to keep up with her girlfriend's sex drive, but the Avatar always did her best, and here was no exception.

"I love the way you eat my pussy baby; yeah, like that," Asami said, knowing this talk drove the Avatar wild.

At that, Korra bore down on Asami's throbbing clit, sucking and lolling and sucking again, relishing the taste and smell and wetness of Ms. Sato, the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the world.

Asami was about to announce she was coming when a loud ring interrupted her pleasure. Korra jumped, bumping her head on the underside of the desk.

"Ow!" Korra said.

Gathering herself and steadying her breaths, Asami picked up the phone, her other hand caressing poor clumsy Korra's head gingerly under the desk causing the Avatar to purr.

"A-Asami Sato speaking."

"Ms. Sato, Mr. Chai Son is on line one for you. Are you available to take his call?" Asami's secretary said in a professional tone through the small speaker.

"Chai Son..." Asami said.

At that name, Korra made a stink face at Asami, shaking her head. Asami covered the speaker of the phone and mouthed to her girlfriend "I have to" before continuing on the receiver: "Go ahead. Send him through."

Korra deflated under the table. What a way to kill the mood she thought. Although... she got an idea and started running her fingers up Asami's legs, slowly, teasingly.

"Asami here," the CEO husked into the phone, still in a haze from her near orgasm and being turned on by these gentle caresses.

"Well hello there," Chai Son's voice said. "Looking forward to our rendezvous in Ba Sing Se next month."

"For the first annual Grand – Ahh— Prix, yes!" Asami felt Korra's mischievous finger teasing her sacrum and she wanted nothing more than to get back to what they were doing. "Future Industries is going to dominate!"

"So I'm here at the track, doing test runs... if you want to give me some competition ahead of the race."

That did sound like something Asami wanted to do rather than sit at a desk all day. That is, unless she was getting amazing head from her girlfriend.

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