23. Three's Company (Getting off to the Races)

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Warning: eventual explicit three-way sex; strap-on sex

This is a longer chapter. Hope you enjoy!


The Sunday of the first annual Ba Sing Se Grand Prix brought racers from teams representing the Earth Territories, Fire Nation, and even the Water Tribes. It was a sunny day, though windy, with no sign of rain.

Residents of the Earth Nation's most impenetrable city gathered to the agrarian zone between the outer and inner walls to watch the two-day event. Everyone wanted see whether the famous Satomobile, the original motored vehicle, was also the best. Or had it been surpassed by competition?

On Saturday, Team Future Industries led by Chai Son qualified for the Sunday race simply by lapping and meeting the minimum speed and weight and engine size.

Chai Son and the rest of the racers were taking warm-up laps, which meant the race was starting within thirty minutes. The goal was 55 laps around closed-off, country roads in the old fortress of a city.

Korrasami enjoyed relative privacy from their box seat as they watched the race. Asami wanted to be down there in the pit with the boys, but alas, she would have to be satisfied cheering on her business partner from afar with her love, Avatar Korra, by her side.

Korra, meantime, was beguiled by any sporting event and this was no exception. She had been sizing up all the cars and secretly rooted for the underdog, a Southern Water Tribe guy with a shimmery blue like the ocean-painted hotrod. Though Asami's car, a glossy red beauty, may have been the prettiest, it was driven by someone who Korra revolted, and she wanted him to lose – and worse. Thoughts like these were what Korra had feared about herself, this festering hatred which nursed a budding darkness within her.

"Can you believe Chai Son placed third in qualifying?" Asami said with her eyes fastened to the track as the cars sped around the track, still warming up.

Korra didn't know whether Asami meant it as a good or bad thing, but by the looks of Asami's twitching knee, she exuded anything but calm. Korra placed her hand on Asami's knee for reassurance, and Asami melted at Korra's touch, bringing her hand to meet Korra's.

"I can't believe you arranged all this," Korra began. "The entire event is just – spectacular. I had no idea so many different types of cars existed; like they were invented suddenly because they were allowed to be and because of you. Honestly, every day I think, 'My girlfriend is the coolest person I know.'"

Asami blushed and squeezed Korra's hand. She sighed then.

"I wish I were down there. I just wanna race and work on cars all day, you know? But I have to be the face of Future Industries. I have to look good all the time and talk to men who want to sleep with me or take my money or both. And I have to present an image to the public and be a good example for the folks that look up to me. It's exhausting."

Korra didn't expect this sudden release, but she loved anytime her girlfriend showed a bit of her vulnerable side. It was hard for Asami, being raised the way she was and going through what she did, so Korra hardly pushed, just waited and listened and loved.

"Knowing what it's like to have major responsibility to others -- it can be tiring huh? Downright heavy at times, and you can't please everyone," Korra commiserated, adding, "But at least you're cool while you do it. You're so cool."

"That's another thing – being cool all the time – what other choice do I have? Besides, you think I'm cool..." Asami teased. She smiled and pinched Korra's chin. "You're the Avatar."

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