32. Showdown

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During the day, Asami, Kuvira and the rest prepared for the worst, with President Zhu Li Moon issuing an executive order for Republic City residents to tunnel underground until it was deemed safe. Gathering up their family photos and survival kits, denizens followed emergency protocols that had been set in place following the destruction Harmonic Convergence and Kuvira's insurrection left in their wake. Republic City was no stranger to catastrophe, and as president, Zhu Li saw to it that badger moles create (and expand upon) the elaborate underground tunnel systems for quick and safe exit.

Prince Wu, who happened to be in town for leisurely affairs, rode around with Mako and Varrick warning the stragglers and folks without homes. They had hoped to find Korra or Chai Son in their task but no avail.

There were some who refused to tunnel or leave their posts, saying it was a government sham. There were others who wanted to protect their precious dignity – if this was their end then so be it, but in the while, they drank tea. And there were others who stayed behind to protect their homes from robbers and desperate people. Likewise, police security forces protected assets throughout the city.

The sky was filled with an ominous foreboding – it was unassuming, clear aside from the rising moon and brilliant sun.

Varrick, who sat in the back of the car with his arms splayed across the top of the bench seat, was checking out Wu's princely attire, rich fabrics in various shades of green with his golden brooch at the left breast. He had been poised to be King after his aunt, the Queen, was assassinated by Zaheer, but now he remained a figurehead, a relic and symbol. Which suited him fine.

"Nice threads," Varrick said, twirling his mustache.

"Heyyy, thanks! Designed by THE best of Ba Sing Se. I'll hook you up." Wu made a gesture with his hand to emphasize his point. "By the way, same to you! Who's your designer?"

"As a matter of fact, I designed and made it." Varrick pulled out a card and handed it to Wu. "A sort of passion project of mine."

Wu read: "Varrick Fashions. Very nice." He pocketed the card.

"Will you guys stop talking about fashion right now? We need to focus," Mako said behind the wheel.

"Awe, you're so cute when you're frustrated." Wu leaned in and pinched Mako's cheek.

Mako swiped Wu's hand away, swerving the car in the process. "Cut it out!"

Varrick raised an eyebrow as he watched their banter and Mako's blushing cheeks. He chuckled quietly to himself and was about to say something when a thought struck him.

"I have an idea of where Chai Son might be. It's a hunch, but then again I'm a genius," Varrick pointed a finger in the air.

"Where?!" Mako said.

"In the tunnels."

"But that could be anywhere," Wu chimed in.

"Could be. Or... Mako, take a left at the next light – NOW!" Varrick gripped the backs of the front seats as Mako swerved. When they stabilized, he continued: "There's another tunnel system. A secret tunnel!"

"You better be right," Mako said, adding, "We don't have time to waste."

Varrick shook his head. "Oh Mako... It's OK, I like you anyway. Now, onward ho!" He pointed ahead.

"By the way," Mako had wanted to get this off of his chest. "Why were you involved with them in the first place?"

"I told you – the money." Varrick crossed his arms and slumped into his seat. "To be honest, I considered Chai Son young friend. I genuinely thought he was a good kid that had been dealt a bad hand. Turns out, I'm a bad judge of character."

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