Demon Kings on Earth. 2

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Nezumi's name comes from the anime No. 6, he's named after that anime's Nezumi.

"Really?..." Astaroth asked hesitantly as he stared at the tower. He had heard wild rumors about the famous Tokyo Tower, but wasn't this a little..small?

Egyn clapped him on the back. "I know! I was disappointed when it was built, I thought it was going to at least be as big as the Akabeko statue back at Azazel's place!"

Shima, who was forced to tag along by Koneko (they needed more food) tilted his head. "Why would an Akabeko statue be in King Azazel's realm?"

Azazel, who was stuffing his mouth with dango, threw the stick in his hand in the garbage. "I can't blame you for asking that, Grigory teachings are quite outdated, and stupid." He inhaled another set. "The Akabeko are spiritual creatures, I have a statue of every spiritual creature stored away in my White Palace. Amaimon has earth creatures."

"Earth earth, or like, dirt earth?"

Shima blinked three times before feeling the punches, but by then, Astaroth and Amaimon were already being held back by Egyn and Iblis. 

"Let me go," Astaroth growled out, his legs reaching out towards Shima. Amaimon was quiet while he stood in Iblis's arm lock.

"You need to stop," Egyn hissed. "Amaimon isn't throwing this much of a fit."

"Hey now," Iblis called out to Egyn. "Do you know how much of my magic is being spent trying to keep his restraints intact?"

"Not important right now," Egyn took his fist and whacked Astaroth's head. "Stop fighting! He didn't know, he's just a human! Would Rin want you to get angry over something like this?"

"That's a stupid question to ask!" Astaroth stopped thrashing around wildly. "You know he wouldn't want anyone to get angry over something like this." 

Azazel looked at the four siblings and shoved a dango stick into each of their hands. "C'mon, the onibi is this way."

Shima rubbed the knot on his head and moved to go in the opposite direction. "The market is this see you guys back at the house."

As expected, there were no protests from the kings, only shallow flicks of their ears. 

"What are we going to see first?" Amaimon asked Iblis. 

"Well, I was hoping to get to show you guys Imperial Tokyo, y'know, so you'll have good ideas for your temples." 

Astaroth tsked. "What's wrong with our current temples? I think they're just fine!"

Egyn gave them a pity filled look and Azazel started choking on his dango. "Fine?" Azazel repeated. "You created them when you were little demons! They look like something out of a children's t.v. show!"

"Hey now, what do you mean 'little'? We're grown kings!" Astaroth was thoroughly offended.

"Grown in the eyes of the kingdom, sure, but not to us, little brother." Azazel stuck another dango stick in Astaroth's hand. "To us, you're just a baby." 

"What both of them said," Egyn proper an elbow on Amaimon's head. "You need new temple ideas. Can't have the humans getting the wrong idea. Look, it's one of mine!" Egyn pointed towards a temple building decorated with drawn water. "These present-day monks think it's for the blessing of a water god, but the original monks here were rescued by one of my kin, who spread the word of the wise and wonderful me." 

Astaroth took another dango stick from Azazel and fell back towards Amaimon. "Here," he said, handing over the stick to his younger brother. "It's really sweet and tastes good. The nearest candy shop is still a while away." Astaroth watched as Amaimon hesitantly took a bite.

"It's good," Amaimon whispered, looking down on the stick with satisfaction. 

Astaroth watched happily as his younger brother went up and took another one from Azazel. 

How many does he have? 

"Hello, your Highnesses."

The four turned to see a ball of light staring at them.

"Onibi Omoi!" Azazel smirked, reaching out to pat the light spirit. "It's been a while."

"King Azazel!" The spirit squeaked. "What brings you and the other Highnesses to the Assiah?"

Azazel flicked his tail nonchalantly. "Father sent us on official King business, but we finally got some time off and decided to show little Astaroth and Amaimon some not so putrid features of this realm."

The light spirit flickered excitedly. "You've summoned the right spirit! I know all of Japan!" It swayed side to side before floating towards a large clearing. "This way, your Highnesses. The best place to start is over here."

Iblis and Egyn looked over to where the spirit was headed before grasping each other's hands and jumping happily. 

"Oh Egyn, we haven't been here in years!"

"I know! I know! It's been too long!"

Astaroth bit his nail. "Where is 'here'?" 

Egyn snapped his head toward his younger brother. "Only one of the best places in Japan!"

"His Highness is right," Omoi said. The light radiating from the spirit was flaring. "This is one of my personal favorites. Welcome to Ueno Onshi Park." 

Astaroth and Amaimon stared in wonder at the scenery around them. Amaimon flicked his ears. "It looks like Nezumi's bed."

Astaroth didn't process what Amaimon had said. "What?"

"I said," the younger demon repeated. "It looks like Nezumi's bed." 

Egyn slapped a hand over Amaimon's mouth. "Don't say its name!"

"Wha no?"

"Because you'll summon it!"

Amaimon obediently nodded his head and waited until Egyn had removed his hands before trying to speak again. "Nezumi." 

"You obstinate little demon!"

Amaimon smirked while Azazel raised a hand into the air. "That was for Behemoth. You broke his favorite toy and never got him a new one."

Egyn would have been angry, he would've been downright pissed, but Amaimon was joking. 


The little brother hadn't even taunted any of his brothers ever since his recovery. 

"Incoming," Azazel muttered, interrupting Egyn's internal monologue. 

A giant shadow covered Egyn's shadow before it started to grow bigger and bigger. Egyn stood petrified in fear as his eyes met those of a heartless familiar. This was going to be his last stand.

The four brothers watched as Rin's familiar descended and crushed Egyn.

"Nezumi," Astaroth cooed, reaching to pet the wyvern. The reptile happily pushed its head into his hands. "You must know what happened, don't you?" The wyvern grew a saddened look in its eyes and nodded its head.

Azazel patted the wyvern's flank. "You must have felt a lot of pain."

"I'm feeling a lot of pain right now too!"

Nezumi snorted and walked off of the crushed demon king and watched in satisfaction as the demon king reformed his body. 

Iblis, who had been watching silently from the side, clapped his hands. "It looks like our party has grown by one." He looked at the spirit by his side. "Where to next?"

The spirit started to vibrate in the air. "I know the most delightful sweet shop His Highness Amaimon might like! It's just a few ways this way-"

"At least wait until my legs are back!"

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