Flash Fowrads

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It is a beautiful day in hell and Rin is a lovely demon.

Well, lovely to those in Gehenna, a monster to those in Assiah or 'Earth'. He had grown up quickly in the eyes of his citizens and brothers. His father was the proudest of all. 'If I could die,' Rin remembers his father shouting, 'I would make you king!' All of his brothers agreed with their father, Rin had been ready to rule his kingdom at eleven (in human years, in Gehenna years he was at least twenty six thousand and forty, time moves twenty times faster when your in hell). By thirteen he had established a better trading route through the different kingdoms and had practically demolished the slave ring. At fourteen he set up an endangered animal program that actually worked, saving the wyverns and countless other creatures. Rin had a pet wyvern himself, it was his familiar, one of them. At fifteen his second familiar arrived, it was a cat that had been exorcised by his 'twin' brother Yukio.

Did you actually expect Rin to forget about him?

No, he would never forget the people he had grown up with, though only Sam and the gang were safe in his book. Everybody else could rot.

Rin and Yukio looked nothing alike, Yukio had moles, a square jaw line that did not work well with him, poor eye sight and countless other flaws. Rin was tall, good looking (though the many demons in his kingdom called him handsome), big, bright blue eyes, and flawless hair. The demons could go on and on about the things they loved about him, physically and personality wise. They were surprisingly nice for demons in the kingdom of darkness and magic. Other demonic countries expected them to be way to emo freaks, and that's something when you're in Gehenna. This was all thanks to their generous king, who cared about them. *All demon kings cared about their subjects.

Back to Sam, today was Rin's visiting day to the monastery. Only Sam and the others knew, and they refused to tell anyone else, including Yukio and Shiro, about the visits in fear that Rin would get hurt (this put them in the favor of many demons, who would willingly help them often).

"Do you have everything, brother?"

Rin happily nodded his head at his brothers question, he enjoyed spending time with Amaimon and Astaroth, they were his favorite brothers. The other were all right, Rin just never really connected with them, they all still cared about each other though and will happily come to rescue one another.

"Are you sure? Last time Amaimon almost got eaten by that little wyvern of yours because you forgot to tell him you were leaving."

Rin laughed at the memory, and even more so at the look Amaimon sent his way.

"It wasn't funny. That really hurt."

"Are you forgetting who had to pry you out of that things mouth? My favorite shirt got torn up!"

Rin quickly put an arm out and stopped both of his brothers in their tracks.

"What is it Rin?"

"You guys almost stepped on Nezumi's tail."

Astaroth face palmed, "I still don't understand why you named your wyvern after an anime character."

"You're just upset you'll never have a Sion."

Astaroth growled at Amaimon, "Say that again, I dare you."

"You're just upset you'll never have a Sion."

"That's is, I'm going to make you the eighth instead of ninth Rin." He attempted to lunge at Amaimon, but Rin wrapped his tail around Astaroth before he could cause any damage.

"Quiet! Nezumi is sleeping and if you wake him up it'll be you two in trouble." His brothers quickly calmed down.

"Do you really have to go?" Amaimon asked quietly, Rin did this every year, but this year Amaimon and Astaroth wanted to spend time with their brother, which they almost never got to do. Kingly duties and all.

Rin gave his brothers a sympathetic look, "Yes, I have to go, I'll be back like I always am, so don't worry." Rin's watched dinged. "I have to go now, take care!" The two watched in silence as their youngest brother walked into the portal he made. They were silent for a moment or two more before another portal opened up besides them.

"Hello brothers!"

Amaimon and Astaroth hissed, they had a great dislike for Mephisto after he had, repeatedly, tried to kiss Rin. ( 'It was a sign of good faith, I swear!' ) Nezumi had woken up when his master used magic to disappear, and was furious at the smell he picked up.

Mephisto raised his hands into the air, "I simply want to know where Rin is, that's all."

"As if we would ever tell you, you scumbag. Leave before I alert father you're here." Astaroth was going to do it anyway.

"Won't you tell me Amaimon?"


Mephisto clicked his tongue, "Pity." He snapped his fingers and Amaimon was gone.

"What did you do with Amaimon?!"

"He's simply in a time out."

"You're dead you mother fucker. Nezumi, get him."

Mephesto sighed as he halted time, freezing the wyvern and his brother. 'It's a shame they hadn't noticed I put up a barrier.' He sat the wyvern back down and chained both of them to the garden floor.

"There," he said as time began again, "if you're not going to tell me, then i'll just tell you now, Rin isn't coming back."

Astaroths eyes went wide in panic, "What do you mean 'not coming back'?! What did you do you shit show!?"

"Such foul language!" Mephisto yelled in fake surprise, "I mean exactly what I said, dear younger brother won't be returning to Gehenna, a spy I planted inside the monastery found out about his little 'trips' and is set to chain him to Assiah. Specifically to a certain school I own."

"Don't you dare!"

"Oh, I dare younger brother, and you'll be here for a good...let's see. One month above equals twenty down here.... so.... yeah, twenty months!" He grinned down at the restricted Astroth. "But by then, Rin won't want to return!"

"Fuck you!"

"Only Rin could do that my dear brother." Mephisto looked upwards as if remembering something, "I have to go now, tata!" And vanished in a puff of purple smoke.

Astroth continued to bite and claw at the chains, however it was futile. He was about to give up when Nezumi smacked him in the head with his tail.

"That's it!" he exclaimed in joy, focusing his energy, he created a broadcast to the other kings. 'Help, Mephisto kinda trapped me inside Rin's garden, he plans to trap Rin in Assiah forever.' He prayed the others got the message. Spoiler: They did. All four of them appeared in Rin's garden in seconds, Iblis quickly used his fire to melt the chains away on both Astroth and the wyvern, who huffed in annoyance at how long it took before taking off.

"Where's Amaimon?" asked Azazel, who noticed he wasn't around.

"Mephisto took him too."

"That scumbag." Beelzebub growled.

"You all know we have to go tell dad, right?" Egyn said.

"We know Egyn, but first," Iblis looked at Astroth, "We need you to find where Rin is and stay be his side, no matter what." Astroth nodded his head and took of, heading towards the portal that was inside his castle.

"Egyn, I need you to go after Amaimon, Beelzebub you look up possible unbinding spells, if Rin gets locked in Assiah we need to know how to bring him back. I will find father and keep the kingdoms calm." None of them objected, each job was suited to their personalities. "Go, go, go!"

Thoughts? Rin first visited Sam to fix his arm, but stuck around and kept visiting to 'fix' other things, but really just cooked and spent time with them.

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