Meeting Satan

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He landed on a pile of pillows. A big, soft, pile of pillows, in a very big, brightly lit, darkroom, and sitting at the very end of this large room, was a man.

"This way, little brother." Said the man with the horns, only, he didn't look like he did last time. He was a lot taller, and his horns were larger. Rin nodded his head and started walking towards the center of the room, not nearly as fast as the man who had led him there, of course, he was only five and his legs were short.

"Here," the man said after noticing the problem, he reached out his arms in an open motion, "do you want me to carry you? It might take us there a lot quicker." Rin nodded his head and raised his hands to let the man pick him up.

"What's your name, mister? You know my name, so I should know yours," said Rin as he clutched to the back of the horned man's shirt.

"My name is Astaroth, I am the Demon King of Rot." He expected the younger boy to squirm and freak out after hearing he was a demon, not for his younger brother to start smiling.

"You're a king?! That's so cool! My older brother is a king!"

Astaroth chuckled, "Yes, I am a king when I'm in my kingdom, right now, I'm just a prince, this is our father's land."


"Yes," Astaroth said, slowly lowering Rin down to the ground,"that's our father, sitting right in that chair."

Rin looked up excitedly to see a man with pure white hair sitting on a giant throne, his cloak draped down to the floor and his vest was covered in jewels, but the most noticeable thing was that he was sleeping. Rin's instinct kicked in and he went to shake the man awake before Astaroth could stop him. The second his hand touched the man's knee his eyes shot open and he was no longer slouching in his throne, before his senses could spike a tiny voice piped up, "Are you my real papa?" it said. The man looked down to see a small blue-haired child gripping his knee and staring at him in confusion, "If you're tired you should sleep in a bed. You'll hurt your back sleeping like that."

The man's face raised in joy as he smiled down at his son, "Yes, I am your father, my name is Satan."

Rin smiled, "Hello Satan! I'm Rin!"

They both stood there smiling for a second before Rin's face contorted into one of confusion.

"What is it?" asked Satan.

Rin turned to face his older brother, "You said you're a demon king...but...shouldn't there be more of you?" Satan and Astaroth looked at each other in surprise, Rin wasn't supposed to know about the others. Satan cleared his throat, "Astaroth," he said, "go fetch your brothers." Astaroth bowed and left the room.

"So Rin... do you know why you're here?" Satan asked cautiously.

Rin nodded his head excitedly, "I'm here to meet my real dad! I'm here to meet you!"

Satan smiled as his mind raced, did his son not know what he did?

"And.." Rin continued, grabbing his father's attention, "I did something really bad," he quickly looked up at Satan with wide eyes, "but it wasn't my fault! Yukio was in trouble, and the teachers hate me, and they called me a freak, and I had to help so I went, and I protected Yukio, and I tried to tell them what happened, and they wouldn't listen, and they said I lied, and Yukio lied, and I got in trouble, and-and then this black thing came out from behind me and it hurt Sam!" Rin was close to, scratch that, Rin was crying now. His tiny hands tried to wipe away the tears and snot as he looked down in shame. Satan felt pity for his boy, but at the same time, he had never felt angrier. How dare they say his son was lying?! How dare his brother betray him? How dare those teachers to call him a freak? 

'Be angry later Satan,' he told himself, 'comfort your youngest right now.'

"Come here Rin," Satan said as he picked Rin up, "your right, it's not your fault. You did nothing wrong, it was an accident. Here, I'll tell you this, how about me and your brothers help you with your power so you won't hurt anyone else on accident again."

Rin looked up in surprise, "You'll help me? You're not mad?" 

Satan shook his head, "No-Rin, I'm not mad, not with you at least," he felt a familiar ripple in the west side of his castle, "now let's clear that face up, after all-"

"My brothers are here!" Once again, his son had surprised him.

"How did you know that?"

"I felt them!! All five of them!" Rin smiled with pride, his tears already beginning to dry.

The large door opened to reveal seven, rather tall, males. Astaroth, who was in the front, boldly declared, "Rin! I have brought your dearest brothers, but before I introduce them to you," he eyed his brothers suspiciously before looking at Rin, "I'll be your favorite, right?" Rin giggled and nodded his head. "Good," Astaroth continued, smiling, "then allow me to introduce you to your brothers."

A tall male (it says that she's a female in the wiki, but even if that's true she'll be a he for the story) with red hair walked forwards first, "That is Ilbis, Demon King or Fire." Ilbis waved at Rin. The next male walked forwards, one with blue hair, "That is Egyn, the King of Water." Egyn nodded his head at Rin. The third to walk forwards was someone with brown hair that was a bit lighter than Astaroths, "That is Beelzebub, King of Insects."

"Wait," exclaimed Rin, "Does that mean you can control ladybugs?!" Beelzebub simply nodded his head and raised a hand to the air, in seconds a swarm of ladybugs was in his palm. "So cool.." said Rin with dazed eyes.

Astaroth motioned for the fourth brother to walk forwards, "This is Azazel, he's the King of Spirits." Azazel ran a hand through his curly white hair and smiled. "Yes, yes. Next, and finally, is Amaimon, the King of Earth." Rin raised his hand, "Yes, Rin?"

"Do you mean Earth or, like, dirt earth?"

"I control the dirt and plants, little brother." Amaimon said, not taking the sucker out of his mouth. In fact, he pulled one out of his pocket and handed it to Rin, "Welcome to Gehenna."

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