Forever losing

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He woke up to his cage moving, the shackles on his wrist were still intact. It must be the morning of his fight with the human. Why, in the eternal hell, would Samael pit me up against a mortal? Does he think I will not aim to kill? Foolish! There must be some other reason. The light from the arena burned his eyes, this wasn't the same arena as last time, it was much more...primitive. It looked like a dog fighting arena, at least the last stadium had a nice look to it, this looked as if it were for savages. Do these humans really think that lowly of me? Do they think a prince will act as a common beast? A wild freak? Disgusting. Not all demons are havoc-wreaking maniacs, such close-minded creatures humans are.

It did look like a dog fighting arena, at least the one from White Fang, a concrete floor and shabby wooden walls to protect the viewers, Rin guessed that the wood was blessed or somewhat demon proof, they wouldn't have put him in there if it wasn't. Through the bars of his cage, Rin could see his opponent scowling at him, his entire body covered in weapons. Does he think those will give him an advantage? Rin nearly slapped himself, What did Father teach you about underestimating living creatures? He took another look at the exorcist's gear, and it was a very scary-looking pack. This will burn, a lot.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sure you're excited about this new event, and I'm sure you want to see what you paid for." The spotlights shone on Rin, lighting up his regal posture, he was wearing a black tank top and leggings (they give him mobility, which was more useful in a fight against a stocky opponent), his flats still tight on his feet and his hair pulled into a bun (His hair was quite long, for in Gehenna they use old methods, the longer your hair meant the better you were at keeping the peace, short hair meant you recently fought). A few gasps could be heard from the audience. "A beauty, huh? This here is none other than the 9th Prince of Gehenna, Rin! Many of you saw how Gniloy bowed before him, it was a fascinating show of power!

"And in the opposing corner, we have one of our Exorcist Prodigy, a Master in the making and one of our fastest Aria, Suguro Ryuji!" A second light flashed on Bon, who was standing tall with his weapons on his side, his uniform gleaming with pride. He lifted his head as if to look down on Rin.

"They will be the competitors for our first-ever Demon versus Exorcist Fight! Who will win this battle of power? Will it be the promising hero? Or will it be the handsome devil? Let's not stall any longer and find out!" Their cage doors lifted, "Fight!"

Bon attacked first, soaring towards Rin with his fist clenched, Rin easily ducked and stuck his foot out to trip the man, yawning as he did it. Suguro kicked at Rin's leg as he fell, smiling when he jumped back up as Rin fell to the ground.

"Let's make this a battle of fists, you're okay with that, right?" Bon didn't wait for Rin to answer as he jumped on top of him and began hammering his fists into Rin's face. Rin hit back twice as hard, jamming his leg into Suguro's back.

"You wanna fight without your tools?" Rin laughed, "Fine then, be without them!" Rin's tail ripped Bon's weapons off of his belt and threw them somewhere in the arena.

Bon was stuck for a moment as he processed what happened, giving Rin time to shove the man off of him, he jumped back up in milliseconds and kicked Ryuji's back before he hit the ground. Ryuji sailed into the air, Rin's face evened out as he followed his attacker into the air and elbowed him back into the ground, Bon was winded.

Rin sat back, lurking and watching from around his cage, he would not attack unless attacked, that way he would gain favor from most of the viewers.

"Facere daemonium nocere."

Rin was filled with a burning pain, he let a strangled gasp escape his lips, "Aufero dolor," He gasped, "Aufero dolor et transfer eam ad mittentis." His body felt cold again, good.

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