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"Hey," Barbur patted Barbar on the back. "They'll be okay."


Barbar and Barbur watched their mother rush in and out of their circle as they prepared the food. 

"Mother is really busy, huh?" Barbur asked.

"So is Father," Barbar answered. "They have a lot of work to do."

"Do you think we'll live like that someday?"

"I hope not."

"You hope for a lot of things."

"So do you."

Barbur laughed. "I guess I do."

"What do you think is happening out there?" 

"I don't know."

Barbur set a dish in the box. "Wanna go see?"

Barbar and Barbur moved to leave their circle on the plain when their Auntie pushed them to the side in a panic.

"Move out of the way!" She yelled, running to her circle on all fours to grab her children.

Barbar's mother, Bar, ran toward them with a scared expression. "Get on my back!" She screeched. "Now!"

"What's going on?" Barbur yelled as their father, Rul, set him on his back.

"The Lord is angry!" Rul told them. "An angel as committed treason!"

"What does that have to do with us?!" Barbar shouted.

"Nothing!" Her mother quickly answered. "The Lord is angry at all creatures that do not live in heaven, we don't know why!"

Lightning struck the ground and pulled it apart. 

"Climb!" Bar rushedly told Rul.

As mountains formed and pulled apart, the satoris climbed. Their hands grew longer into the shape of their monkey figure and their arms grew longer to reach farther and farther ledges.

Their realm shook and broke for sixteen days before a lone man walked into their realm. 

"Do you wish to be saved from God?" He asked them.

"Yes!" The adults shouted back. "Please, save us!"

"As you wish."  Black wings sprouted from his back and covered the sky while his tail dug into the ground and turned it black. 

The rumbling slowed as the black consumed the land and sky until it became nothing. Once it was completely stopped the man removed his tail from the ground to let grass and trees grow. He took his wings from the sky, though it remained a light grey. 

"I cannot fix the mountains," He admitted, "But I can help you form them."

With a wave of his hand, caves formed all over the mountain. Caves and paths and water.

"Thank you!" Their chieftain cried. "What is your name?!"

" Satan."

"How can we ever thank you, Lord Satan?!"

The man was quiet. "I will leave a portal to my realm in a cave at the center... Please send those who wish to learn about this new paradise."

"We will!" The chieftain promised. "We will!"

Barbar and Barbur felt their parents squeeze their fur.


"Here's your bag, and your books, and some food, and, and, a rock to remind you of home, and here's some-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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