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Rin walked through his portal and could instantly tell something was wrong. Sam wasn't in the living room, he was in the kitchen. A silent code that somewhere shit had gone south, the relatively new guy was sitting in the love seat smiling at a book, but with a little inspection Rin saw that it was upside down and that the carpet was wrinkled, he had rushed into the seat and spotting the pillow under his butt Rin concluded that he rushed there only a couple of minutes ago. He didn't want Rin to know something, so Rin decided he would play along.

"Hey Sam, whatcha cookin?" Rin asked as he exited the living room, throwing his arm around his friend's shoulders as he towered above him.

"Oh, just some Yakitori, it is De's favorite." Rin hummed with a smile on his face but inside his mind, the puzzle was getting more pieces put together. Demer's nickname was 'Merry'. For Sam to use De meant someone nearby was not to be trusted, and the only other soul in the house was the person in the living room.

"I hope you made enough for me, I am starving!" A lie, Rin never got hungry anymore.

"You're always hungry."

"Exactly! And your cooking is the best."

"I'm blushing, it's really not that good." Okay, something was really making the hairs on Rin's neck stand up and dance, Sam was modest, but never about his cooking.

"Is there enough for takeout, or must I devour it all here?" Rin giggled. 'Do I have to leave or is the problem here?'

"Takeout is good, but by the looks of things you might just have to sit down and eat." Uh oh.

"Are you sure you can't come cook at my place?"

"I would be honored to, but I must decline." That was the final straw, Rin quickly put up a barrier around him and Sam while he attempted to create a portal back into his castle. It worked, but after pushing Sam in Rin found out that he himself couldn't go through the portal. No matter how hard he tried, the black pool wouldn't let him through.

"Listen Sam!" Rin called out, "When you get into my castle, tell them you're full name and add 'consort' at the end of it, it'll be a warning. Try to stay safe!" He didn't get a reply. Growling, he closed the portal and began to slowly stalk back into the living room. 'If I get out of the monetary, maybe I can leave.' He had to force himself not to look at the person sitting in the chair.

"Not even a goodbye, Rin?"

He froze. That voice, it couldn't be.


The man in the chair stood up quickly and took off his cape in a dramatic flare, Rin had been right. There stood Yukio, his lying, emotionless twin.

"You're a demon Rin, I would exercise you here and now if Mephesto hadn't told me I couldn't, you are here on out property of True Cross Academy."

Rin growled, it was a terrifying sound. The nearby demon came to his side quickly and his subject felt that something bad had happened to their king. "You don't have the right to declare that, just leave. Now."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, not until this binder has been put around your tail and the bond has been made."

Rin wiped his tail into his pants and swallowed his spit, "It's not going to happen."

Yukio pulled out his gun and aimed it, but not at Rin, at the person behind him.


The man behind Rin slowly raised his hands into the air, "Rin, we need Sam, he can settle this."

Rin seemed to understand what he meant and opened a portal. "Marco, I can shield you from Yukio, but I can't go through to portal, you have to poke your head in and grab Sammy."

Marco nodded his head and stood behind Rin as he called for Sam. Rin took up a defensive stance.

"You're a demon Rin, you cannot win. Just give up. If you behave well enough you'll become a good weapon."

Rin growled again and even more demons came. His ears began to grow and his nails lengthened.

"Look at you, growling like some beast, I suppose you are one though. A dangerous, murderous monster."

Rin was angry, how DARE  Yukio call HIM a murderer? A monster? Does he have any idea how many of Rin's people he slaughtered? How many of them returned to Gehenna screaming?

"How long has it been since you last used that brute force of yours for good? Hmm? Since kindergarten you've been nothing but a freak."

"Okumura Yukio, as head of this monastery and owner of this property, you have been banned and are ordered to leave this place at once. Remain here and I shall call the police, do you understand me? If anyone from True Cross comes here again, there will be chargers." The anger inside of Rin shrunk as he listened to the familiar voice of his friend.

Yukio grew a disgusted look on his face (I wrote that as face on his look before I realized what I did), "You're going to protect this monster? He's threatened you, hasn't he? The sooner we get him secured the sooner everyone here is safe from this thing."

Sam stood tall and walked in front of Rin, staring Yukio in the face the entire time. "You will leave at once, and you will not return."

Yukio stared in disbelief as he was told to leave the place that had been his childhood home.

"But why? I'm trying to help you!"

"Don't give me that! You have no right to say those words! Now go!"

"Sorry to interrupt this heartbreaking moment, but that demon is coming with me!" Shouted a cheery voice from above.

"I don't know who you are, but he shall not be going with you, as long as he remains on this property none of you can touch him."

"Then that just means I'll have to get him outside without touching him."

Sam and Marco were shoved to the side, and they realized in that short moment that Rin was very, very, angry.

AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, nothing seems to sound right today, I hope you all enjoy the chapter anyway, tell me if there is anything I could have done better and I will happily fix it.

See ya!!!!!!!!1

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