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In Satan's Castle, there were many rules. They were there to keep the tradition, protect the royals, and protect the citizens that visit the castle from rouge guards. But there were ten rules that were mentioned the most.

Rule number one, Yukio was not to be mentioned in the castle unless Rin or Satan was in the conversation. All of Gehenna had a hatred for the younger twin, many of them had to leave their, very stable, lives in Assiah behind because of the runt. Talking about Yukio, saying his name more than thrice, and owning pictures of him were strictly forbidden unless they were being used for a shrine of divine punishment, which was a fancy way of saying dartboard.

Rule number two, babies that are not properly controlled must be kept away from sacred items, areas, people, or other children. They were too dangerous.

Rule number three, if a Prince befriends you, you must not use that friendship to gain anything, request access to anything without said Prince's permission, boast about it, or manipulate it. It had happened four times, and it left lasting damage. Most friends of the royals consider the princes not to be above any other friend. They erase the princely title and focus of the demon they call a friend.

Rule number four, stay clean. It wasn't because they were germaphobes, some demon's in the castle were very sensitive to Gehenna filth due to their time in Assiah. A demon's immune system adapts quickly. When they travel to Assiah frequently their immune system removes the info it has stored for Gehenna bacteria and diseases to replace it with knowledge of Assiah bacteria and diseases, including the ones that haven't happened yet. (Looking back into the history books, a demon from Astaroth's clan was around when the Malaria outbreak first appeared. They later helped come up with a cure by studying their own blood secretly and coming up with the cure with other scientists the 'scientific' way, as most of them did not believe in Heaven or Hell, Reincarnation, Rebirth, or anything of the sort. Some did believe in the multiverse or other galaxies having life theory.)

Rule number five, do not attack unless struck first. Princes cannot attack each other or commoners unless they are hit first. Commoners are allowed to attack Princes if the Prince deliberately hit them first. Accidental bumps are forgiven.

Rule number six, obey the king. This is a given, he is the KING. He is the top law.

Rule number seven, A King must care for his kingdom. Any king that does not is convicted of treason.

Rule number eight, do not be convicted of treason. It is a crime worthy of exile, torture, or death.

Number nine, all pets that enter the castle must be pet by the king.

Number ten, obey all of the other rules if it's not a life or death situation. (The rating of the situation will be decided by a truth sayer from Azazel's clan.)

These ten rules are the ones that have the most attention directed towards them. A seal that is embedded into every demon's blood will start to burn and alert the nearest Prince of the crime. The problem is that the seal will only react if the committer knows or believes it's a crime. This is what causes the most trouble, a mastermind will twist their brain into believing that what they're doing is for Good.

Now that you know the main rules, we can get to Satan's current dilemma. Who happens to be a Prince. Actually, the correct saying would be 'who happen to be Princes.' Or maybe it was just easier to say that his children were giving him a royal headache.

Amaimon had been recovered recently but he was severely damaged. Physically and mentally. When Egyn had revealed where he had found Amaimon and what conditions he was in, a high-class royal was brought to the castle to take a peek at Amaimon's hidden activities, and it's safe to say that they were all outraged with what the second youngest had been a victim too. His usually long-sleeved clothes were taken off to reveal all of his scars, misplaced bones, and gashes that refused to heal or healed incorrectly. Egyn swore loudly that Amaimon would never be in Samael's clutches again, and upon hearing this, Amaimon had a mental overdrive. His second youngest was currently sitting in the infirmary, still unconscious.

Rin was still missing, Samael had erased Rin's scent from any portals, Rin is untrackable. The only clue they have is that Rin visited 'Sam' twice a year. Once on Christmas, and once in the middle of the up above summer.

The kingdom of darkness and magic was falling apart. With new waves of Rin's screams shaking through the air, shocks of random, unbearable pain, and the constant fact that their King's emotions are rocketing? Iblis was doing what he could in order to keep them together, but with each Assiahn day, the city grew darker and darker. Somewhat quite literally, a King's duty is to protect, serve, command, and care for his subjects, but they also bring them light. The better kept the kingdom, the stronger the light is. Rin had made peace with the darkness and made all of his people nocturnal, but with his disappearance more and more darkness was seeping into the usually peaceful streets. Satan knew as all of the Prince's did, that it would soon become an infection, and it would spread like wildfire.

Astaroth had not contacted Satan in days. None of the other Princes' had heard from him, but just the other day a member of his kingdom alerted the palace that Astaroth was no longer in Gehenna.

That was three sons. Three sons lost. Satan's heart ached, his youngest was missing, his second youngest was scarred, his second eldest...... his second eldest had betrayed him. Satan's eyes lit with fury as he thought of his double-tongued son. Samael had committed treason once by trying to poison his elder brother's food, and he had been banished for the crime. He had committed treason twice by allowing the hunting of his people and assisting those who were trying to kill them. The third time was when he brought a human into Gehenna, a rather nasty one too. A third of Egyn's people had been lost in a massacre due to that human. This was the fourth time, and Satan swore by his name and in the name of the love for his realm that it would be the last.

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