The Bible's Lies

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Satan's Magic Memories.

"What..?" Beelzebub looked around the white sky in confusion. "This has never been part of my plain."

"Maybe someone planted it there when you were gone?"

"Nonsense, Iblis, I keep my eye on this place around the clock."

"Then it must have happened during the attack."

"Hey," Amaimon snapped his fingers. "Doesn't that person look familiar?"

Egyn followed his fingers to a white-haired man that was sitting on the edge of a cloud.

"Actually, he kinda does," Astaroth muttered.

They watched as a blond-haired man walked up to the first one. 

"An angel?!" Rin yelped as white wings sprouted from the man's back.

"Lucifer," Michelangelo spoke. "Do you not love God? I have not seen you pray to him with my own eyes."

"Lucifer? Isn't that our brother's name?" Egyn looked at Azazel. "Is this Lucifer?"

"It can't be," Azazel replied. "These are Father's memories. Maybe he knew someone named Lucifer?"

"Love?" Lucifer spoke. "I do not feel such things, not for humans, not for God."

"An angel that doesn't love God? Those exist?" Iblis said in awe.

"What of us angels?"

Lucifer looked down from the clouds. "I suppose for you all I do harbor some feelings."

Michelangelo stared, though Lucifer could not see it. "Would you fight do defend God, our Father?"


"He's right not to," Azazel huffed.

"Would you fight to defend humans, crafted in our Father's image?"


"Would you fight to defend yourself from injustice?"

".." Lucifer looked at him. "I do not believe I can answer that question without knowing the circumstances."

"Is that a no?" Beelzebub wondered aloud. "Or is it a threat? Maybe a maybe?"

Michelangelo looked away, anger knawing on his core. How could an angel, one of the chosen, not care for God, who created them? An angel with such power, a power greater than his own, that wouldn't defend He Who Created All? Blasphemous!

"Such dark thoughts..." Iblis noted.

"Doesn't your personal guard think such things?" Amaimon asked him. 

"Yes, but not to that degree."



"Let us go for a flight later, meet me down by the tree."

"A tree.." Rin said under his breath. "How nostalgic."



"What's going on!?" Lucifer yelled as he was forced to the ground. "What sin have I committed?!"

"Hold a fuck what happened?!" Astaroth shouted. In what seemed like an instant they had left the pure white clouds and were now standing in a crowd of angels on Earth. "Do not act innocent," one of the angels in the crowd screamed. "You were going to act against God!"

"Yes!" Another screamed. "You desired to kill those who are down below! Kill the humans? How could you even think of such a crime!"

Hypocrites! Lucifer said in his head.

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