Are you done

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"I'm looking for a Park Jimin, could you please tell me what room he is in?"

"I am sorry sir I cannot give you personal information unless you are a family member" the nurse replied.

"There must be something you can do, he is my friend and I need to see him right now. Help me out, this is very important."

"But sir I'm not sure I can help you-

"Don't you get it?! THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH!" He said as he hit the desk in front of him, "If you won't tell me where he is then I'll just find him myself" he walked off in the opposite direction aggressively while the nurse kept calling for him.

Running through the hospital he stopped in front of every room and looked inside, hoping he'd find Jimin. But it wasn't as easy as he had thought.

Where is he? Minseok thought as he desperately tried to find Jimin. I hope he is okay.

Going back a few minutes, when Jimin was walking in an unknown street with thoughts in his head that weren't completely new, but which he knew were bad, he wished there was someone with him. And the first person who came to his mind was Minseok. And so he decided to text him with just a link of his live location. He didn't know why he did that but he just did.

When Minseok saw the text message from Jimin he was shocked. Park Jimin sending him a text? The same person who left him on seen all the damn time. Something has got to be wrong! And on top of it all it was the location of a hospital?! Is he okay??

So Minseok rushed to the hospital without wasting any time and now here he was, roaming the halls of a hospital looking for his friend. And he knew that the security guards would hunt him down in a few minutes.

While his mind was a mess he witnessed something. A woman was frantically beating her legs and hands on the bed, her face gone red. Without checking if anyone was in there he threw open the door and rushed in. But what he saw next made him stop in his tracks, unable to move another step.

"Jimin?" A frail voice escaped his mouth.

No that's not Jimin. That's the monster that attacked me. And that woman, is that- no, can't be. He wouldn't kill his own mother... even though she beats the fuck out of him? What should I do? He's going to attack me if I go near him and if I don't that woman is going to die. No no no this is no time to think. I've got to do something.


Minseok grabbed the chair which was placed beside the chair jimin was sitting on. He held it up high, swung it back and smashed Jimin's shoulder with it.

There was silence. Jimin didn't move an inch. Minseok just stood there in an awkward posture. However, his mind right now was an indecipherable mess.

Jimin turned his neck to look at Minseok, his body as still as ever. His eyes an evil green and his mouth turned into a frown.

"J-Jimin listen to me.. it's not you, it is not! JIMIN JIMIN JIMIN WAKE UP IT'S ME MINSEOK REMEMBER WE HAD AN OCTOPUS THE OTHER DAY?! C'MON MAN YOU CAN'T KILL ME! At least not for the second time, do you know I still have nightmares of that day when you attacked me like a beast?! I was scared and still am. Just fuckin snap out of it or something," Minseok went out without stopping for a a single breath, maybe it was the fear or it was a plan he had come up with to extend his time on earth, "We are friends aren't we?? Best friends for life! I'll even get you a friendship bracelet JUST GET THE FUCK UP"

"Are you done?" A weak voice was heard, "I'm here Minseok, it's me" Jimin said as he fell to the ground. The woman on the bed didn't seem to be struggling anymore. Minseok finally decided to fill his lungs with some air and went to check on Jimin. Why does he always pass out after scaring the shit out of me..

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