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[T/w : graphic scene ahead, mention of death]

Jimin no longer knew what was right and what was wrong but all he knew that he had a mission to complete, a mission which he had received from a voice which felt like home.

His mission was to end someone's life, that someone who had tortured him his entire life, had prevented him from having good days and had stolen his will to live. He didn't know if it would be an easy task but he knew he was meant to do this.

Well, when you are about to take away someone's life there are a lot of things to consider but for Jimin he had nothing to think of. He just took large strides until he reached the highway, got a free ride to the hospital because the "child" whose mother was in the hospital looked pitiful. Once he reached the hospital he walked up to the receptionist.

"Yes Sir, how may I help you?" Asked the nurse without looking up.

"Can I see the patient Choi Kara? She was in an accident recently and-

Upon hearing the name the nurse's eyes shot up, she had a huge smile on her face, "We've been waiting for you! The nurse who is taking care of your mother just informed me that she is in a stable condition and is able to communicate. You may now see her, she'll be so happy to see you"

Jimin just nodded and made his way to the elevator. So she lived.. of course she lived. She will be happy to see me? He thought as he scoffed.

Upon reaching the room in which his mother was resting he looked through the glass window, she seemed to be calm, weirdly calm, and she wore a gentle expression on her face. Not strange for someone who faced death and manged to escape it.

"Come on in" said the nurse as she opened the door from inside, "Your mother is resting right now but she should be awake soon. Call for me if there's any problem. Okay then, I'll leave you to it." She smiled and left, leaving Jimin and his mother in the room.

Jimin blankly stared at the white marble floor, without blinking, a long pause before he said, "Mom" and looked at his mother.

Her expression didn't seem so gentle anymore, what had changed? Was she awake? Did she know that her "son" whom she hated was there with her? Jimin wondered.

He walked forward and sat on the chair beside her bed. A long sigh was all that was heard after that.

An hour passed and Jimin hadn't moved an inch.

"Mom" Jimin said looking at his mother, "or should I say Kara? Yes, that sounds better. We both know that you hate me and even if I tried to I couldn't love you. I don't blame you because I know it's hard to love someone like me but couldn't you just ignore me? Even verbally abuse me? But no, you had to look at me in my eyes and beat me to death and make me feel like a worthless piece of sh*t. I guess that's what you wanted all along, for me to die. But you'd get exhausted way too early and leave it incomplete and what about me? I had to go through the same torture all over again." He wasn't even angry anymore, he felt peaceful venting, like something good was waiting for him, "And now I've been presented with an opportunity I cannot resist" Jimin's eyes widened, it was either excitement or remorse for what's about to come, "I am going to kill you once and for all"

Jimin didn't realise when he had lost control over his body, he started seeing black and blue all around his mother's face, he sat still nevertheless, he didn't know what was happening, the veins in his body stuck out like they were about to burst and his heart beat was faster than a running athlete. His body grew bigger and his pupils shone a brilliant green.

All he could see was Choi Kara's face, her face starting to turn red. The monitor attached to her went off, beeping loudly, she was struggling to breathe without Jimin even doing anything. She opened her eyes in shock, tears pouring out as though she was being choked, she tried to scream but in vain. She knew that she was about to die. She threw her hands around to grab something, her legs hitting against the bed, a desperate call for help. No words came out of her mouth, just a shrill voice as it seemed like her voice box was being crushed.

Fallen Angel | ✔︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن