Chapter XXII

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5 years later...

Mr. Whitfield was in his class teaching like always when his boss pulled him out of the room for a moment.
"Hey, Whitfield. I wanted to talk to you for a second."
"What is it, boss? A promotion perhaps?" He gasped. "Oh my God, am I getting fired?"
"No, nothing like that. It's about Nathaniel Whitfield."
"My son? Oh sh*t, what did he do? Did he screw someone? Is he doing good in all his classes?"
"Yes, he's doing fine in his classes. It's just he was driving late last night and we'll he-"
"He what? He what, Steve? Open your damn mouth and talk like a man!"
"Your son was in a wreck."
"****! Is he ok?"
"No Jesse, he's in a coma. He got hurt real bad. The doctors say his head was bleeding, his sides had been beaten up, and there were glass chips all in his skin and hair."
"What happened?"
"He was at a stoplight when someone head-on collided with his car. The darn thing is all messed up."
"Cars can be replaced. I need to know how my son is damn it!" Jesse yelled with heavy tears in his eyes.
Steve Hughes wiped the tears from his eyes and sighed. "Jess, you're not going to like the news."
"What is he paralyzed from the neck down or? What the hell is wrong with my son?!"
"Jess, your son-"
"Damn it, Hughes! Spit it out!"
"Well, he-he died this morning."
"I'm so sorry, Jesse." Principal Huges hugged him and cried over his shoulder.
"My-My-My son's dead?"
"Yes. His blood pressure and his heart rate dropped dramatically this morning."
"Damn, heh. Sh*t. **** me for being such a horrible father, I-I never looked after him well enough." Mr. Whitfield chuckled in anxiety.
"You weren't a horrible father." Hughes soothed him.
"I should have kept a closer eye on him. I was only there for him when he was doing something stupid or when he needed me."
"You were a great father."
"Ugh, first my wife. Now my son." He cried in his hands and snuck his gun from his desk drawer into his pocket, leaving out the door in tears.
"Jesse, where are you going?" His boss asked and he refused to answer clearly.
"I'm doing what needs to be done. I'm doing what's right."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"You wouldn't understand, you never lost two people on dates so close together."
"I lost my wife and I lost Nicole, I'm afraid I do."
"Get Bob Parker to sub my class when I'm gone."
"Jesse, what are you doing?"
"Goodbye, Dad. I'm glad you accepted me as a part of your own family when I never had a father who cared about me."
"Jesse, no. Don't do it!"
"So long old school building that holds the students of James Gordon High."
"No, Jesse!"
"So long teachers, so long staff, so long class, and so long friends. So long everyone until we meet again."
"I'll never forget you, Dad nor your daughter that could make me smile."
"Whitfield, I'm begging you don't kill yourself!"
Jesse went home, grabbed his dog, and came back to the school. The glock in one hand and Diesel's leash in the other. He cocked the gun and blasted his dog. He let out a whimper as he eased onto the ground. Jesse reloaded it and re-cocked it, he put the barrel in his mouth and sang the song he had sung to his wife before she died. His hands slowly pulled the trigger back and he cried deeply. Mr. Whitfield finally pulled the trigger at last and fell back onto the soft grass with a pained groan. Blood splattered all over the blades and he was reunited with his family.
The police arrived on the scene almost immediately after and two men from the CSI got out of the car.
"Looks like we have ourselves a self-murder, he killed the mutt too"
"Danny, normal people call it a suicide, not a self-murder."
"Whatever, Lewis."
"What do you think happened?"
"I say stress probably or something. They already did an autopsy, nothing found."
"Huh. I say stress and maybe a little bit of family issues. Like perhaps two of his family members died or something, I don't know."
"I could see that. I could see why he would kill himself for that."
"Might have died close together, you know and he just had no one to be there for him."
"Yep, I totally understand what you're getting at Lewis."
"I'm just saying. If my wife and two kids died, you might be the one walking up to my crime scene."
"I hope that never happens."
"One day it will. You never know."
"Oh, stop."
"Wait a minute, this teacher's son died in a car wreck last night. They called him dead this morning. His wife died several years ago from that T.O. virus."
"That adds up."
"What does?"
"Lewis, baby you're a genius."
"I am?"
"Hot diggity dog."
"Case closed."
"What about the bodies do we clean them up or will-"
"The coroner will clean that up. What do you say we go grab some beers to celebrate our successful case closing?"
"Why not! I love a good Miller every now and then."
"Figured you'd say that."
"Let's hit it, dog!"
"You said it." With that, the two cops left and had a couple of beers at the nearby bar.
Jesse's father heard the news of his son committing suicide when he was on his deathbed for several weeks. He cried heavy tears and realized his wife was right when she said he would miss him.
"Damn it, Jess! Damn it! If you would have seen me in prison, you could have watched me change. I wish I was never so hard on him, I was such a horrible father. ****! I wasn't a father, I was more of a scary troll. I had turned into a ******* troll by just being nasty to him. Why was I so hard on him?! Damn it! ******* damn it! **** me, **** me, **** me!" He wanted to rip his dirty blonde hair into shreds.
"Ben, how are you?" The nurse asked and he motioned for her to get out.
"Get the **** out, Lisa!"
"Do you still want your dinner? I brought you some-" She showed him his tray of baked potatoes, green beans, and chicken. He picked up a potato and threw it at her along with the chicken.
"This food tastes like sh*t, get out!"
"Okay, okay, I'll bring you something else."
"**** you Lisa! **** you and your sh*tty food!" Ben spat and she let him be. Oh, Jesse... "You never had to kill yourself. You should have talked your problems out with me or someone they would have listened." He sniffled and continued to cry letting snot bubble up in his nose. "I never meant to hurt your mother in any way. In fact, I wish I never had struck her with that pipe that day and killed her. Oh, what am I going to do? What would your mother say now? How the hell am I going to explain to her when I see her again about what I did in prison? She isn't going to be one bit happy when she sees me, I can tell you that. She is going to be mighty pissed, just because of what I did to make me so sick. I'm just sitting here like Nicole, dying from the same virus she had. You know the dreadful T.O. (Testeris Osillis) virus you get from unprotected sex. I'm sorry for ever mistreating you, I'm sorry for calling you names, and never appreciating and loving you like I should have been doing. I'm sorry for murdering your mother and I'm sorry for being mean to her when I ever was. I'm sorry for blaming her for the reason we had no money when it was really me blowing every paycheck we got on beer and liquor to quench my bizarre thirst. I'm sorry for never teaching you anything, never caring, and never playing with you. I regret not spending enough time with you when you were a little boy." He chuckled and cried remembering how his son used to play a pitiful board game. "Damn, how you were so ******* cute! You looked like a little man every time you wore a green or gray cardigan with the rounded spectacles you used to have for astigmatism at a young age. Now you started wearing less dorky glasses, ones that were square-framed. Heh, you looked like your proud father." He smiled and choked on tears. "I'm sorry you lost your son, I'm sorry you lost your wife, and I'm sorry I lost you! If you're listening up there, just remember that I loved you ever since I had sex with your mother on Halloween and found out we were pregnant with you months later. I may not have shown it, but I do love you; I still love you. I'll always love you no matter what, even now my heart still loves you and it will never stop loving you. I love you Jesse Lee Ryan Whitfield. You probably thought for the longest time your middle name was just Ryan, but you were wrong. You were named after your great-great-great-grandfather Lee Ryan Whitfield, the captain of his own ship the S.S. Oriskany in 1812. He sailed the seven seas looking for buccaneers and treasure wherever he wound up, he was also the first captain to have sex with a mermaid. Okay, okay. I lied he never had sex with a mermaid, they don't exist. If he did, it would have been ******* awesome! You would have had soo many humamaid cousins and relatives. Alright, Alright. Enough about your great-great-great-grandfather Lee Ryan and his ship. Do you want to really know why your mother and I had sex in 1960? Ok, well we were at a Halloween party and first, off we were dating. I mean I don't know if you call the hand-in-hand thing dating or not, but we definitely kissed before we walked in the door. What can I say we were high-school sweethearts. Anyway there was beer and all kinds of alcohol, and you know I was twenty-four then so I-you know had to take a couple of sips. I played beer pong with the guys and whoever made it in the cup either drank a shot of hard whiskey or they sipped a beer down. I made it in like six times, so I had a mix of a little everything. Before that, I also drank a couple of Bud-lights and ice-cold Millers. I was so drunk after that I went to your mother like.
"Hey, hey."
And she was like. "What, what?"
Then I said with a slur and several hiccups. "Come on, baby. Wha-What do you say we hit the back and d-do it up?"
"You mean?"
"Hell yeah!" I moaned loudly. "We gonna go ****!"
"Dammmnnn!" A red-bearded man laughed.
"I wanna show you how much you really mean to me, baby."
"Alright, I'm ready." She smiled, after sipping some wine down.
"Let's get it! Woohoo!" I celebrated and we had sex on the couch in the back.
"So you see that's how you were born. We had sex and I soon remembered I forgot the damn condom at the very end of it. I had lost my virginity in High School and I was pretty proud of it. After all, you were the apple of my eye son." Ben coughed and slowly his heart rate dropped. "I love you, my boy. I can't wait to see you again." He said his last words, "until we meet again" and died peacefully.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now