Poorly Drawn Winky-face

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"How the fuck can you be so ignorant?!" Blitzo yelled.

"I'm being ignorant? I'm not the one over reacting!"

"I'm fucking done Stolas! Go and find someone else's dick to suck!"
Blitzo speed into the strip club the two were in front of.

"Blitzo-!" Stolas started. He reached out his hand.


"Blitzy! Come on I'm sorry-"

"Save it you little cock sucker!"
Blitzo slammed the club doors in his
ex fuck-buddy's face.
Stolas hung his head in a sigh and trudged home.

Blitzo, all alone and no one to talk to, was sitting at the bar drunk off his ass and yelling at the bartender for more vodka.
"Hey! Bar-bitch! Get your ass back over here and get me another drink!"
His head dropped onto to counter and he fell asleep.

"Hey! Hey, buddy! Get off the fucking table! You're drooling everywhere!" The barkeeper growled. "Can someone else deal with this guy? Please?"

"Leave me alone." Blitzo groaned. "It's been a long day." His head dropped back down.
The bartender through his arms up in annoyance and walked away, groaning.

Blitzo's vision was blurred from all the booze but from what he could make out was a tall, slender demon; not taller than Stolas but still tall nonetheless.
"What's up suga'?  Tough night?"  The demon sat down leaning his head on his fist and crossing his legs.

"You have no fucking idea!"  Blitzo sobbed.

"Yeah, that sucks. I'm Angel by the way. Wanna bang?"

"Hell yeah lets do it!"

* * *

"Holy fuck!"  Blitzo woke up to a little pig licking his face.  "Where am I?" He looked around a pink and white themed room.
Angel rolled over next to Blitzo.  He jumped out of bed.
"Ah!" He yelled. He looked down at his own body to see that he wasn't wearing any clothes.
"Ah!"  He yelled again, waking up Angel.

"Morning." Angel smirked looking at Blitzo's waist.

He took a pillow from a loveseat on his left and held it in front of his crotch.
"Who the fuck are you?!"

"We met last night at the bar Shnukums.
And I'm sure you can put together what happened afterwards~" Angel's eyes trailed up and down Blitzo making him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Um. Yeah, well I'm gonna go now. 
I have a business to run, some assholes to kill so-  wait, where are my clothes?"

"Beats me."  Angel shrugged.  "Good luck looking for 'em."  He gave a smug smile.

Blitzo let out a heavy sigh and pinched between his eyes. "You fucking cock sucker-"

"Correct." Angel interrupted.

"I- Give me my god damn clothes back!!"

"Only if you can find them." He winked.

"This is bull shit, I'm out of here."

Blitzo walked out, ass naked into the street.
There were people honking their car horns and whistling at him the whole way to work.
"Yo! Put your dick away!" Some guy yelled.

"Why don't you suck it, prude!"

"Sir, you're two hours late!"
Moxxie's jaw fell open at the horrific sight of his boss completely nude in front of him.
He quickly covered his eyes.
"I- um- sir—"

"Don't even start with me Mox."

"What's written on your arm sir?" Moxxie questioned.

"On my-? Is he fucking kidding me?"
Blitzo looked down at his right arm to see a phone number and the name 'Angel Dust' with a poorly drawn winky-face underneath it.
He slapped his forehead as he stomped into his office.

Moxxie didn't even bother to ask any further questions;  he thought it would be best just not to know.

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