
I look down and see Carl looking up at me, "We need you. Dad's going to speak with Tyresse's group!"

I nod my head, "I'll be right down!"

He nods his head and begins to walk back towards the prison. I stand up and wipe my eyes, sniffling one last time. I walk down the steps and towards the cell block. I open the door and walk in, seeing Rick and the others already inside. Rick looks at me for a moment before continuing speaking with the others.

"Let's talk about this. We can't just keep-" Hershel begins.

"We've already been through this. With Tomas and Andrew, look what happened." Rick argues.

"Axel and Oscar weren't like that." Carl interjects.

"Where's Oscar now?!"

I shift to my other foot and cross my arms, grieving for the loss of another person.

"I can't be responsible." Rick says to Tyreese.

"You turn us out, you are responsible." Tyreese says.

"Rick!" Hershel calls out.

Rick turns and walks over to Hershel and they speak for a moment amongst themselves. I watch Rick intensely as his face begins to soften as he looks around the group. He pats Hershel's shoulder when he looks up and he freezes on the spot. I glance up at the gantry and see that there is nothing there and look back to him.

"No, no, no." He mutters to himself, clearly distressed.

He walks towards the gantry, "Why are you here?" He asks.

The others all look confused, wondering who he is talking to. He stares up at the gantry with such a pained expression on his face.

"What do you want from me?" Rick asks.

I walk towards Rick when he turns, "I can't help you, get out! Get out!" He yells.

"It's all good." Tyreese says, holding his hands in a peace offering.

"You don't belong here, get out!" He yells, grabbing his gun out.

"It's alright, we'll leave. We're going!" Tyreese says.

"Why are you here now?!" Rick screams.

I hear Glenn speaking to the group and I walk towards Rick, "Hey, look at me."

He stands in front of me, looking at the gantry. I grab his face in my hands, "Rick, look at me."

After a moment, he looks into my eyes, "Rick, what is wrong?"

He shakes his head and begins to sob, his head laying on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he holds onto me tightly. I look around the group to see their terrified looks on their faces as they stare at the broken man in my arms. I sigh and hold him tightly, whispering that everything will be okay.


I see Glenn get in the car and speed down the driveway to go on his perimeter check. He'd been trying all day to lead us while Rick was off in the woods doing whatever he's doing. I notice Hershel walk down the fields towards where Rick is and I stand by the guard tower. We haven't heard anything from Tyreese and his group since they left and I can't help but wonder where they are. We also found out yesterday that Andrea is alive and safe in Woodbury. When I found out the news I was so happy, I have been so worried about her.

As I stand there images of Daryl cross through my mind and I shake my head, trying to think of something else though I can't. I can't help but wonder where he is, what's he doing, is he safe? I notice Carol and Axel speaking by the cell block and I smile to myself. They've gotten close lately and I wonder if they'll end up together.

Before I know it, Axel is one the ground with a bullet wound in his head. I drop to the ground and look around wildly for the source of the gunfire. Soon bullets are being fired from every direction and I push my back up against the wall. I pull my gun out from my back pocket and see that down the end is a truck with people around it.

A bullet lands near my head and I let out a scream. I look up at the guard tower across the quad and see a man there. Maggie rushes forward with a automatic in her hand. I take it off her and aim it at the sniper, pulling the trigger. It hits him the leg and he falls down, I aim again and shoot him in the head.

The gun fire stops and I hear the sound of an engine. I look up and see a truck drive through the gate and park in the middle of the field. It idles for a long time and I stare at it, my heart racing. The door at the back falls and soon walkers file out and fill the fields.

I see Hershel laying in the unprotected and I rush towards him as the gun fire begins again. A walker lunges for me and I shoot it on the head before rushing to Hershel.

"Hershel!" I scream.

The gunfire stops and I rush to him, shooting them quickly. I get to his side and help him take more down.

"Let's go!" I yell, helping him towards the prison.

He grasps his crutches as I cover him, taking them down. The others at the top help me by taking more down.

"Daddy!" Beth screams.

Glenn pulls up in the car and I help Hershel in and jump in the back. Glenn speeds up the driveway until we are inside the gate. We get out and Beth and Maggie rush to Hershel and Glenn, embracing them tightly. I jump off the back and Carl rushes to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I hold him back and place a kiss on his hair, breathing a sigh of relief.


I look up and see Rick rushing forward towards Carl, who let's go of me and runs to his dad. I walk forwards and Rick hugs me, "Thank God you're safe."

"You too." I say, pulling away.

"I wouldn't have been if it weren't for them." He says, nodding behind him.

I look around him and see walking up towards us with only one hand, "Who the hell is that?" I ask.

"That's Merle Dixon."

I look past him and see Daryl walking behind him, his eyes locked on me. I stand there shocked for a moment, looking at him. I notice that he looks exactly the same, as glorious as ever. I begin to walk towards him, my pace quickening as I go. He gives me a small smile as I approach him quickly. I reach him and bring my hand across his face slapping him as hard as I can across the face. His head swings to the side and I turn away from him, storming back into the prison.

Adapting (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now