"Yes, I did. So, are you coming home this weekend?" she asked me curiously.

"Still trying to live vicariously through me, Mom? No, I'm not coming home this weekend. Colin and I are going are going with a bunch of our friends to Cabo." I told her happily and I heard shriek in delight.

"Fun. Have a margarita for me?"

"Of course." I agreed immediately. "So, I should go. I still have to pack. Oh, while I have you, blue or purple bikini?"

"Purple." She responded and I looked down at the purple bikini I was still wearing.

"Good choice. Sorry about Old Man Twickham." I said to her sincerely.

"Got to move on. I hear Old Man Ketchum has a nasty cough. Could turn into something." Mom joked and I chuckled at her.

"That's the spirit. Bye. I love you." I said to her before hang up the phone with a sigh. I turned back to Colin with a smile. "Now where were we?" I asked rhetorically before he pulled me into a kiss.


Later that day, after hours on a private plane, we landed and made our way to the mansion that the Huntzberger's owned on the beach. Steph, Rose, Juliet, Addison and I walked in before the boys and took in the giant place. Colin, Finn, Logan and Harrison all followed us in, carrying the bags for us. Logan dropped the bags he was carrying and turned to face us.

"Alright, I have your spare keys." He announced as he placed out the keys to us. I frowned when I saw that mine was the only one that was bright pink.

"Why is mine pink?" I asked him curiously and he raised an eyebrow while I waited impatiently for him to answer.

"Because you lose things. I figured I'd make it as easy as possible to remember." He replied and I gasped in outrage as the others chuckled. I slapped Colin on the arm and he wrapped tucked me into his side.

"I don't lose things!" I exclaimed and they all looked at me unbelieving.

"What about your virginity?" Harrison joked from next to Juliet.

"I didn't lose it. I know exactly where it is." I retorted, sneaking a glance at Colin from the corner of my eye. He had his lips pressed together in a tight line, trying to keep himself from laughing.

"You know, I never did find out who you lost your virginity to. Whenever I asked you got all closed off." Logan said with a perplexed expression on his handsome face and I shared a look with Steph because she was the only one, other than Colin that knew who I had lost my virginity to.

"You might as well tell them." Steph said to me and the others perked up at the mention of gossip. I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Come then!" Finn said to me and I gave him a 'go to hell' look, which he ignored.

"Fine!" I huffed. "I lost my virginity to Colin." I announced to them and the room fell silent. The boys all looked over at Colin and I glanced back to see him looking smug so I rolled my eyes at him.

"You didn't lose your virginity until this year?" Rose asked in disbelief.

"Of course not!" I snapped impatiently, wanting this conversation to be over with. "I lost it in high school. When I was sixteen."

"Oh, I knew that it couldn't be. I've heard the stories." Addison said with a sneer and I glared at her.

"But you two weren't having sex when you dated in high school." Logan reminded us and I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

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