Chapter Fourteen

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I looked in the mirror and saw what I mess I was. My once curly hair was now just in tangles. My lipstick was smudged. My mascara had run down my cheeks leaving black stains but my tears had since dried and I needed them gone. I grabbed some paper towels and wet them under the tap. I was alone in the bathroom at the Windsor Club. After my own confrontation with Colin, witnessing Mom, Dad and Luke's fight and the massive amounts of alcohol, I was both emotionally and physically exhausted. I scrubbed roughly at my cheeks to get the dried mascara off my skin. I pulled the paper away and saw that it was now black and my cheeks were red raw. I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself to leave the peaceful sanctuary of the bathroom. I straightened my shoulders and plastered on a fake smile that I used at society events. I focused on the clicking of my heels as I walked through the club. I had to focus on something simple or I thought that I might have another break down. Crying wasn't something that I normally did because it made me feel out of control and that's something that I hated. I was heading towards the front doors to the club when I saw Mom and Rory in front of me. I headed over to them to see what was going on with Rory since I hadn't seen her for a couple of hours.

"Hey!" I called out to them once I got into hearing range. They both turned to me and smiled weakly.

"Are you leaving?" Rory asked me as I joined them. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed.

"Party's over. It is so over." I told them with a sad smile.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked me with a concerned frown. I looked up at my mother and I almost broke down in her arms but then I remembered that she had enough to worry about at the moment.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just time to go."

"Are we okay? I mean, that wasn't exactly my proudest moment." Rory asked Mom and now it was my turn to frown in confusion.

"Aw, honey. You're the daughter of a woman who has had no end of less than proud moments. Don't worry." Mom assured with small smile.

"What are you talking about? Did Rory do something naughty? And I missed it!" I exclaimed as I looked between my Mom and my twin sister.

"Luke was so mad." Rory said sadly, thinking that I was kidding when I really did want to know what the hell happened.

"That's because to Luke you're still ten years old wearing feathered angel's wings going door-to-door inviting people to a caterpillar's funeral." Mom told Rory and put her hand on Rory's shoulder to comfort her.

"Oh, now, I did that once."

"Luke is fine."

"I hope so."

"Look, go back in. Catch up with Logan. Tell him everything is fine." Mom said to Rory and my head snapped up at the mention of my best friend.

"He went right to his car, he split."

"I don't blame the boy."

"And what's with you and Grandma?" Rory asked Mom and I scowled at the mention of Emily. How could Emily do that? How could Dad do that?

"All these questions!" Mom said softly, trying to avoid the question.


"Look. Go back in, huh? Make the best of things. Luke is just, um, bringing the car around. I'll talk to you later."

"Are you sure we're good?"

"Always." Mom assured her with a fake smile.

"'Kay. Bye, Mom. Bye, Christa." Rory said to both of us and I pulled her into a hug.

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